14 years ago 1 |
1) Install drivers with the utility "Driver Hardware"
2) Install Wine: open terminal and type: sudo apt-get install wine
( if yuo want the latest version of Wine type:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wine )
3) Configure Wine: open terminal and type: winecfg ( this will open a new window)
set "windows xp" in the windows versions option
switch in the graphic tab:
set "enable pixel shaders"
set "vertex shader" to hardware
enable "allow the window manager to control the windows"
switch in the audio tab and when it finished press ok
4) Install World of Warcraft with Wine (or copy and paste the folder from another partition or hdd if you have installed wow previously)
5) edit the /World of Wracraft/wtf/Config.wtf file with gedit and add:
SET gxApi "opengl"
SET SoundOutputSystem "1"
SET SoundBufferSize "100"
SET gxColorBits "24"
SET gxDepthBits "24"
SET gxResolution "1280x1024"
SET gxRefresh "85"
6) save and close gedit
7) run wow.exe with wine
for better performance should play using windowed mode: click on options when prompted you account details, click on video and set windowed mode.
@remoulder: if you haven't installed the proprietary drivers of the gpu you can find some display problems (this is my experience) so I said to install the drivers with this utility
@Rovanion: when I play wow in fullscreen mode I found the mouse very slow, especially when I click on a spell. I solved with the windowed mode.
Please explain item 1.?
Why would windowed mode result in higher performance?
When in fullscreen the application is able to draw directly to the framebuffer skipping over the steps inbetween which results in better performance.