Install Matlab in linux

  10 years ago

You need to have the unix version of Matlab dvd or dvd image to install it in linux mint.

Two different approaches are going to be adopted:

1. If you are the only user who will use matlab then follow the first step (#1).

2. If there are several users who will use matlab with several user accounts then follow second step (#2).

#1. installing in home directory:

installing matlab in /usr/local (explained in the second section of this tutorial) is troublesome and requires root permission in several steps. installing it in the home directory is the easiest way.

just follow the steps below:

1. mount the iso (better use furiusisomount)

2. go to the newly mounted volume

3. right click mouse and select 'open in terminal' & enter the command ./install


3. double click on the 'install' file and select 'run in terminal' .

4. Now a matlab installation window will appear. go through the general processes like 'next' , 'accept', check 'install without internet', put your license key where it is needed.

5. When matlab installation folder selection window appears erase all the text in the text box and put /home/Your_user_name/Matlab and continue . (the default path is /usr/local/Matlab/Rxxx, don't use it)

6. Now everything will go smooth, brows your lic_standalone.dat file when needed.

7. after completing the installation enter the following code into terminal:

sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /lib/

this is for a warning that can not be found.

Now matlab is installed in /home/user/Matlab directory.

run Matlab:

go to the home/user/Matlab/bin directory and double click on matlab and 'select run in terminal' or  enter command in terminal:


here user = your user name

or, to run from the menu, follow these steps:

1. in the terminal enter this code:

 sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/matlab.desktop

2. copy paste the following lines into the newly opened .desktop file

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/home/user/Matlab/bin/matlab -desktop
Comment=Matrix Laboratory

user will be replaced by your user name. (must).

For Exec and Icon, the path should be correct i.e you must change "user"  according to your path. (must).

in "Name= Matlab " you can change the name whatever you want.(optional).

in "GenericName" you can put whatever you want. you can cut off this line too.(optional).

save & exit the .desktop file.

a new entry named "Matlab" will be added in the menu under the programming section.

3. now go to menu->programming->Matlab.

Enjoy... your Matlab environment....

#2. installing in /usr/local directory:

if there are several users in a single pc & each of them has individual user accounts and need to use the same application then it is required to install it in the directory indicated by default in matlab installation process i.e in /usr/loal


1. mount the iso (with furiusisomount). if you already have the contents of the iso copied elsewhere then skip this step.

2. create a directory /home/user/matlab.(it's temporarilly, after installation this can be deleted.)

run in terminal (to create the directory):

mkdir /home/user/matlab

user=your user name.

copy the contents of the iso (archives, bin, etc, java, sys, install,.........) in your /home/user/matlab folder.

If you want to avoid copying, then mount the iso with this command:

sudo mount -o loop path_to_the_iso_file_matlabxxx.iso /mnt


cd /mnt

sudo ./install

now you can skip the next step(3) and after finishing the installation clear the mnt directory with sudo umount /mnt

3. run these commands in terminal:

sudo chmod 777 -R /home/user/matlab

cd /home/user/matlab

sudo ./install

here user=your user name.

4. now the installation gui will be run. go through the processes as, it is known how to install it from a gui (explained a little in section #1).

5. after installation run this code:

sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /lib/

this fixes a warning that can not be found.

to run Matlab:

go to the /usr/local/MATLAB/R2011b/bin/ directory and double click on matlab and 'select run in terminal' or  enter command in terminal:


or, to run from the menu, follow these steps:

1. in the terminal enter this code:

 sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/matlab.desktop

2. copy paste the following lines into the newly opened .desktop file

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/local/MATLAB/R2011b/bin/matlab -desktop
Comment=Matrix Laboratory

in "Name= Matlab " you can change the name whatever you want.(optional).

in "GenericName" you can put whatever you want. this line can be cut off too.(optional).

save & exit the .desktop file.

a new entry named "Matlab" will be added in the menu under the programming section.

3. now go to menu->programming->Matlab.

Enjoy... your Matlab environment....

the above process was tested on Matlab R2011b. other version should work too.

jahid_0903014 9 years ago

@benkai-sama That should pose no problem. You should be able to install it without any problem.

jahid_0903014 10 years ago

may be you didn't run the installer with sudo.
you should run it with :
sudo ./install
complete method for you:

mount the iso with this command
sudo mount -o loop path_to_the_iso_file_matlabxxx.iso /mnt


cd /mnt

sudo ./install
after install finishes, unmount it with
sudo umount /mnt

Rboggyz 10 years ago

I've mounted the image,I ran the installer in terminal and got this:
Preparing installation files ...
Installing ...
cp: cannot create regular file ‘/usr/local/MATLAB/R2013a/licenses/license.lic’: Permission denied
cp: cannot create regular file ‘/usr/local/MATLAB/R2013a/Matlab.png’: Permission denied
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/usr/local/MATLAB/R2013a/Matlab.png’: Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create regular file ‘/usr/local/MATLAB/R2013a/Matlab.desktop’: Permission denied
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/usr/local/MATLAB/R2013a/Matlab.desktop’: Operation not permitted
Can I have some help, please??

jahid_0903014 10 years ago

If you don't want to read the whole thing then go here: