10 years ago 8 |
Adding menu item can be done very simply by an application named alacarte or by other similiar softwares.
This tutorial is for those who prefer a more straight forward process without installing any additional software.
the steps are following (I will be creating a menu entry under programming section named eclipse luna) :
1. sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/eclipse-luna.desktop
eclipse-luna will be replaced by your app name
2. copy paste the following lines
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Eclipse Integrated Development Environment
Name=Eclipse Luna
GenericName=eclipse-4.4 M4
user will be replaced by your user name.
now save and exit.
if the execution and icon path is correct then the entry will be automatically added to the menu under the programming section.
Description of the lines:
Thank you ... helps a lot especially when this "click and play solution" fails ( and leaves double entries of categories)
Right click on the Menu app on the toolbar and select "configure". This will launch an applet, that has "Open the menu editor" as an option at the bottom of the child window.
From there it is self-explanatory on how to add new items to the menu and where.
Thank You "kbrobst"
Works Great!
Thanks a lot <3 works for me like a charm xD
Menu editors sometime fail for different reasons, but this will never fail. Also it's for learning how things work in the backend (your menu editor just does these things by taking information from you in an interactive way).
I'm a noob, so hopefully this isn't a stupid comment. I'm thinking under Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon, this was changed to be much more simple.
Right click on the Menu app on the toolbar and select "configure". This will launch an applet, that has "Open the menu editor" as an option at the bottom of the child window.
From there it is self-explanatory on how to add new items to the menu and where.
o my god ... back to the beginning of computing
Good description