Default Password for keyring

  11 years ago

Entering password everytime when you login or when you open up your browser, is very annoying. It all happens when you change you password or set 'Auto login' from settings. 

The next problem is you don't know the password for keyring. When i saw this login menu asking for password i tried my login password because it's only password i set in my system. But it did not work anymore. I also tried some individual passwords like, 1234, 1111 etc. but did not work. But after sometime I opened 'Password and Kyes' from menu. There clicked on view and check 'By keyring' then right clicked login and clicked unlock and now entered my login password. And woaaa! this time it worked. But the popup will stil appear as you can enter pass and it'll not come again during this session but will come again after restarting system.

It's all you can also try on you system.

kcaldwel 11 years ago

I think I just managed to fix this for Mint 16 Cinnamon. I opened Passwords and Keys from the Menu, then select View, By Keyring. I was very brave (stupid?) and right clicked the Default (locked), and deleted it.

Next time I opened Chrome, I was asked for a new Keyring password. I just left it blank, and accepted the unsecure message. Now it doesn't ask for a Keyring password when I open Chrome, and the Default Keyring shows as unlocked in the Password and Keys window.

So far, so good!
