Set number of workspaces on Cinnamon

  10 years ago

If, like me, you want an environment the most "keyboard friendly" and "mouse free", you probably want to set a number of workspaces by defaut (and set keybindings to access each).

Two possibility :

- on the commande-line interface, simply :

gsettings set org.cinnamon number-workspaces 4

Of course you can change the 4 with the number of workspaces you want.

- by using dconf-editor (install the dconf-editor package if it isn't already) :

go on org, then cinnamon, down to number-workspaces, click the number next, enter the number of workspaces you want and press ENTER.

To apply the change you need to reboot Cinnamon (for example : Alt-F2 and command r).

gamunu 1 year ago

For anyone new to Linux and Linux Mint Cinnamon Vera. One way to set the number of workspaces is to execute blew command on a terminal prompt.

gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.wm.preferences num-workspaces {number}

eg: -

gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.wm.preferences num-workspaces 2

LopesLs 2 years ago

In Linux Mint 21.1 "Vera" Mate version, you can do this by opening dconf-editor and update org/mate/marco/general/num-workspace to number what you want.

maxplanck 7 years ago

One solution on Cinnamon 3.6.7 is Ctrl + Alt + Up (arrow key), and then clicking the + on the right of the screen. Also good to note that 'gsettings set org.cinnamon number-workspaces 4' does not work on this version.

BobKay 9 years ago

Once you set the number of workspaces with dconf-editor, is there a way to make that persist over reboots? I've even changed the default value to 4, but it still boots up with 2 workspaces.

iraklisg 9 years ago

@lrice357 I confirm that in linum mint 17.3 you have to go to org.cinnamon.desktop.wm.preferences num-workspaces instead
Also, the gsettings set org.cinnamon number-workspaces 4 didn't do the trick for me...

lrice357 9 years ago

This information is out of date for Mint 17.3. deconf-editor says that this method should not be used on Cinnamon 2.6 and above. It directs you to "Use org.cinnamon.desktop.wm.preferences num-workspaces instead".

Wilhelm_Eberhard 10 years ago

Really helpful! Thanks.