Installing DudenBib under LMDE 2014 - 64Bit

  10 years ago

Dudenbib is a database software from the german Duden-Publishing company, containing german words and foreign words.

The software itself is free of charge, but the contents (so called 'books') must be purchased.

Under a 64-bit system it is installed by several steps, using the console-window (terminal-window).

Here are the steps:

Open a terminal window and change to root, and go to the directory in which you have stored the downloaded file e.g.: dudenbib-5.2.0-1-debian-ubuntu.deb

1:    dpkg --add-architecture i386  <ENTER>

2:    apt-get update <ENTER>

3:    dpkg -i dudenbib-5.2.0-1-debian-ubuntu.deb <ENTER>

4:    apt-get install libstdc++6:i386 <ENTER>

5:    apt-get install libxrender1:i386 <ENTER>

6:    apt-get install libxext6:i386 <ENTER>

Ready; you're done. Now you canswitch back to normal user and enter "dudenbib".

Maybe you have to close the program after installing the first book. So did i. After a restart the installed

book was found by dudenbib.

Additional information about the story of dpkg together with the i386-architecture can be found here: