How to get apple like Touchpad gestures. (On Macbook Pro). This can be applied to most “touchpads” that recognize multiple fingure gesture..

  10 years ago

Operating System : Linux Mint 17 (qiana)

Kernel Linux 3.13.0-24-generic


Platform : Mate 1.8.1


Hardware : Intel Core i5 CPU 2.230GHz



For this you will need to install “touchegg” and “compiz”. These two can be downloaded with the

“Synaptic package manager” or from the “Terminal”. In order for compiz to fit in properly, you'll need to install


[ If running Mint 17.1 (Rebecca), there's no need to install Compiz nor dconf (dconf is interesting in itself

though). You only have to set compiz as the
window manager, to do so, open Mate Menu > Control Center >

Desktop Setting > Windows
. Set Compiz

as Window Manager ]


Synaptic, in Mate, can be found in the Mate menu > Administration > Synaptic package manager.


From the Terminal, use the following commands.


$ sudo apt-get install touchegg


$ sudo apt-get install compiz --install-recommends


$ sudo apt-get install dconf


OK, you can now proceed to editing the settings...


Let's start with compiz, you can open compiz settings from the Mate menu > Preference > CompizConfig Settings Manager.

You'll first want to configure the “launch pad” keyboard shortcut to “expo” (assuming you use or have multiple desktops).

Expo is located in Category > desktop > expo in the Compiz Settings.

From there, pick expokey, a pop up window show's up, click on “grab key combination” then press the “launch pad” key. It should give you something like XF86LaunchA” 'or' XF86LaunchB” (or not).


Now for the Scale key, do the same. The Scale configuration are in Category > Window Management > Scale > Bindings.

pop up window show's up, click on “grab key combination”


That was for Compiz, now for Touchegg...



Proceed by editing the .conf   file of touchegg.



This can be done with the terminal using:


# sudo nano /home/username/.config/touchegg/touchegg.conf





<property name="composed_gestures_time">0</property>




<application name="All">


<gesture type="TAP" fingers="2" direction="">

<action type="MOUSE_CLICK">BUTTON=3</action>



<gesture type="TAP" fingers="3" direction="">

<action type="">BUTTON=2</action>



<gesture type="TAP" fingers="5" direction="">

<action type=""></action>



<gesture type="DRAG" fingers="2" direction="ALL">

<action type="SCROLL">SPEED=7:INVERTED=false</action>




<gesture type="PINCH" fingers="4" direction="ALL">

<action type="SEND_KEYS">XF86LaunchA</action>



<gesture type="DRAG" fingers="3" direction="DOWN">

<action type=""></action>




<gesture type="DRAG" fingers="3" direction="LEFT">

<action type=""></action>



<gesture type="DRAG" fingers="3" direction="RIGHT">

<action type=""></action>



<gesture type="PINCH" fingers="5" direction="ALL">

<action type=""></action>



<gesture type="DRAG" fingers="3" direction="UP">

<action type="SEND_KEYS">XF86LaunchB</action>





As you may have noticed, I have a few features that I've disabled or rather

removed from the configurations, that's a personal preference.

You can modify the .conf as you please.


.I've highlighted in yellow the lines that I've modified.

.In blue are the gesture type, ( DRAG, TOUCH, PINCH & TAP ), right after that, you

can specify the numbers of fingures ( 1 to 5 ) and the direction ( LEFT, RIGHT, UP,

DOWN & ALL ) .

.In Orange you have the action type which is technically the type of command,


.Finally, in green, you have the the “command” that is going to be executed, the

reaction to the action.



Now to make touchegg launch on startup.


Mate Menu > Control Center > Startup Applications > Add (navigate to /usr/bin/touchegg)

MagicMint 9 years ago

@overkill22: No way, Compiz cannot be used with Cinnamon. You have to put up with the effects available under System Settings› Hardware› Keyboard› Keyboard shortcuts, respectively with any shortcut you can define for a Spice (i.e. Cinnamon extension), or a custom script of yours.

overkill22 9 years ago

Interesting, I'm wondering if it is possible to apply this to cinnamon too. do i have to install compiz too?

nuxtux 10 years ago

Yes, touchegg can be configured to do more than just these two gestures. All depends on how you set it up (along with your system settings). As for ginn, I haven't used it, so I can't make any comparison.

MagicMint 10 years ago

Pleased to see that toucheggs works by now (but I guess it can do more than just these two gestures?). The time I’ve faced the same problem, it didn’t, and Ubuntu recommended ginn for multitouch gestures instead…