Speed up system menus in Xfce

  10 years ago

If you find that menus go to slow on your computer, you can speed that process up by setting the delay to zero.


Create a file named .gtkrc-2.0 in your home directory and put in the following lines in it, if the file already present just put these lines in it: 


gtk-menu-popup-delay = 0
gtk-menu-popdown-delay = 0
gtk-menu-bar-popup-delay = 0
gtk-enable-animations = 0
gtk-timeout-expand = 0


Save the file, close it, logout and login back.


Maybe you can encounter one downside: the icons can come with a delay but I think that something like that only can happen with a very old computer ;)

michelsaey 10 years ago

This make a difference on every computer. I've did this with my own computer with avarage specs, an Intel i3 processor with 4GB of RAM and also with a Intel Pentium 3 with something about 550 MB of RAM, wich is low-end specs these days, and I see a great difference on both computers ;)

Adriatik 10 years ago

Would this make any difference on a low end machine? or is this something that is done by default for a reason?

michelsaey 10 years ago

@Hammer459 Absolutely right. I've edited now ;)

Hammer459 10 years ago

You should perhaps explain why it speeds up and if there are any side effects. Otherwise helpful :-)