9 years ago 0 |
Hello all, have been a secret linuxmint fan dating 2 years, and i feel its shame not contributing, but well guess my advertisement for the OS covers that, anyway downloaded my my batch of lmde 2, my main pc is of the latest version of linux mint 17.1 rebecca
So , its been 2 days since i downloaded the lmde 2, decided to make my own perfect disctro out of it, as i love deb, first problem i think many new users will get into is if running on vmware as i did, vmware tools , when you click it , seems to be empty and offers no file to install
what you would simply do , is get any latest deb vmware tools tar, i also uploaded to save you all the time
download link https://www.sendspace.com/file/w68w72
and follow the same method of installing just as normal linux
with extracting the tar, either by right click extract nor , from terminal cd to file location and tar -xvzf file name
you could also mv file to /tmp/
believe all that is clear enough, if any need more explanation , query to here.. also had some little difficulties establishing conky and other tools.. which ill find time to write each fix.. till then adios amigos
remoulder, what you should have done before comment, is download check file, as i said in tut , you can grab from any other deb disctro you have running on your vmware, kali etc .. i only did the favor of uploading also.. and its the exact file without remould nor rename , funny did not remould xD ..
This is not a tutorial.
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