Recieve Files Using Bluetooth in Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela

  9 years ago

By default receiving a file from a bluetooth device is not possible in Linux Mint 17.2. You have to enable a option.

The tutorial given on this link( wasn't working.

So i posted this tuorial.

To enable file receiving,

Click MENU ⇒ Click "Preferences" ⇒ Choose "Personal File Sharing"

This type of screen comes up:

Choose the given options or as you want.

Rebel450 9 years ago

the package gnome-user-share
is not
available from the Software Manager,
apt get is needed
- but not necessary, because
"the latest version of gnome-user-share is already installed"
(bash said on Ci 17.3 ... )
= ??

xenopeek 9 years ago

Though the tutorial is for Linux Mint 17.2, a question came up on the forums about this tutorial for Linux Mint 17.3. On Linux Mint 17.3 you'll need to install the package gnome-user-share from Software Manager first.

sirfmoyo 9 years ago

thanks works like a charm

sirfmoyo 9 years ago

just did that. let me check the outcome

Carreg 9 years ago

I haven't used Linux since Simply MEPIS 8.5 was new, so returning was a bit of an eye re-opener. I'd forgotten how simple, straightforward and fast many things are in Linux - and this easy tutorial illustrates such an example. Having been involved in Windows 7, 8 & 10 beta testing over the years, I tend to look for complex solutions to simple tasks because that is what I have come to expect...!

MagicMint 9 years ago

@Rebel450: There should be definitely some kind of message prompting the user to enable Bluetooth and Samba file sharing if he needs to. Although this is nowadays easy to do, the options to enable them are always hidden in some obscure menus :-(

Rebel450 9 years ago

Dont get discouraged, this one is a good one:

It is true, if you forget to give access via the sharing control panel -
you stuck and wonder, why it is not working ...

Even in Rafaela, by the way.
And no, there is no error message with sense or giving a hint what to do,
so this article is welcome;
of course promoted.

MagicMint 9 years ago

@BeBedi_gsb: The point of @Hammer459 is maybe that it should be clear, that an old tutorial written for an obsolete version of Linux Mint does not necessarily work three years later.

Besides, your tutorial would really gain from omitting the menu screen shot which is unnecessary as the (trivial) usage of a menu isn’t the issue here ;-)

BeBedi_gsb 9 years ago

What do mean to say brother Hammer459 ? This post is for the 17.2 cinnamon .

Hammer459 9 years ago

What's the point of a tutorial for a 3 years defunct version of Mint? We are at version 17.2 now!