How to install Teamspeak 3 (Works for all versions)

  8 years ago

So here we gonna install Teamspeak 3 on Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela (Cinammon Edition for me).

Edit: This still still working on 6 October 2015

-What is TeamSpeak 3 ?:

Teamspeak 3 is a vocal-based chat. If you got a Server(you can rent or create them), you and your friends can connect it through Teamspeak and create channels, manage them, add passwords etc. It's ideal for gaming for example.

But this link will explain probably better than i do.

-How do i install it ?:

1) First you need to download the '.run' file, to do this you can go to the official website here:

Then choose the Linux version (32 or 64 bit depending on your system). To know if you're on a 32 or 64 bit system just open a Terminal and type 'arch'. If you see 'x86_64' you're on a 64 bit system. If you see something else(“i686” or “i386” or whatever else) you're on 32 bit.

2) Now that he have downloaded the .run archive we need tu extract this. Open a Terminal and go to your .run location then type:

>> sudo chmod +x

Be sure to replace the archive name on this command line by the one that you downloaded (When i did this tutorial i was the 3.0.17 for example).

It will give you the rights to 'execute' the .run file. Then juste type:


>> ./



It will create you a folder named "Teamspeak3-Client-linux_amd64".

3) Go into this folder then you can launch the .sh files like that:

>> sh

You have now installed TeamSpeak 3. There's a 4 step bonus if you want a shortcut on your desktop.

4) OPTIONAL: We gonna create a Shortcut to Teamspeak 3 on our Desktop:

Just go on your Desktop then Rightclick > Create a new launcher here...

Name it like you want, TeamSpeak 3 for example. Then on the command line juste use the 'Browse' button to indicate the path of the '' that we launched at step 3. You can add an icon by downloading one on Google. Here is one good:

Then just valid and you got your Teamspeak Desktop shortcut.



This is a very basic tutorial, hope this helped, if you got any question, feel free to ask.

-Kits- 6 years ago

This guide still works as of Nov 2017, on Mint 18.2 cinnamon.

Thank you OP.

Highom 7 years ago

you said "Open a Terminal and go to your .run location"
what do you mean? got to the location in the terminal? How?

sry im new to linux and im really confused

Moeman 7 years ago

As an new Linux Mint 18.1 user I found this useful. But at times the author assumes we know more than we do. I did figure it out and get it to work! Thanks

AddictNBK 8 years ago

Of course. Je suis francais mais en suivant seulement les lignes de commandes a entrer dans ton terminal tu devrais y arriver sans trop de soucis.

Si c'est pas le cas ajoute moi sur Skype: sami.boudoukha

Au plaisir.

AddictNBK 8 years ago

@MagicMint You don't need to install free servers, that's optionnal.

My tutorial is about installing Teamspeak and use already-existing servers. Installing a server is not included here but can be done easily, maybe i'll do another one.

MagicMint 8 years ago

@AddictNBK: As far as I understand it, you also need to install a free server to take advantage of this, i.e. of the client version with no license.

AddictNBK 8 years ago

I added a short description of Teamspeak.

MagicMint 8 years ago

The tutorial is only as basic as not saying what it is about, otherwise it could be a good one.

Hammer459 8 years ago

You forgot one part. What is teamspeak and why do I need it.