9 years ago 0 |
stuttering and Tearing window while moving, in KDE desktop.
if you have this problem ...
go to "System Settings -> Desktop Effects -> Advanced".
now, in openGL Options , set "Tearing Prevention (VSync)" to "Full scene repaints" and press apply.
note: if you feel lag or slow response , set VSync to Automatic.
@Rebel450 @Hammer459
i think this can be helpful for other users because i have mint kde on my laptop with intel & nvidia graphic cards, and on my PC with ATI graphic card, and both have this problem.
ok, I'll be more careful to writing tutorials.
Tnx for comments.
well, on another machine it also can be something else,
like opengl setiings...
means, your solution is not a common solution - it is a possible one
but nice
This is good information.
But it is not really a tutorial, it is better suited as a problem solution in the Forums. Link to Forums at bottom of page.