9 years ago 0 |
Just reposting really nice fix, it helped instantly. Original could be found here
The fix is really simple and is based on my fix for Fedora 15 but tweaked for F16.
su -
cd /usr/src
git clone https://github.com/guillaumezin/nvidiabl.git
cd nvidiabl
make dkms-install
rmmod apple_bl
modprobe nvidiablNow
echo blacklist apple_bl >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf
Unfortunately Hammer is right (as usual) -
the link is dead.
May be we should have a look at tis instead:
A small security reminder, that's all.
Incidentally, the original post no longer exists, for some reason....
Well u are 100% right. but sometimes you have no other options. its impossible to use my laptop at night with full brightness plus i need nvidia proprietary drivers for my work. i found zero working solutions except this one.
Remember that it is at best a risk installing unverified software. Building unverified software as root and installing into kernel takes that risk to a new hight.