How recover Linux Mint 17.3 from block system on MacbookPro8,2

  8 years ago

 Hello World,

Well, i just want to share my litte annoiying  experience that i cross just last week, at this moment im still learning step by step Linux OS after i've taked the decision to "throw into the garbage" to OS X. What i did it'sn becase, could i say its bad or not good enought,???   OS X in my personal opinion its a good Operative System, plus the good hardware, but what makes me loose my head was... AppStoreServer its going every year worse and a huge cumminity they said it, not only me, the point is that Apple;s Server from Mac App Store keeps me around six months try to upgrde from Yosemite to El Capitan, but the super super famous phrase "This item it's not avaliable at the moment, please, try later". SIX MONTHS....!!!! well i said thats enought and i quit to OS X, then i found Linux Mint between hundreds of choices in Linux's World.


I start to use Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa since almost three moths ago, since beggining (installation) i read some tutorials in the forums and piece of cake, everything smooth, easy and wonderfull. Maybe some tiny details but nothing to be worry.

Until last week, when i decide to upgrade to Linux Mint 18 Sarah, The initial installation process, some classic video issues but saw a new extra taste, crashdown the system totally at moment to open live session, then i started to surf for many forums to looking for a solution and get back my MacbookPro like before, no one tutorial that i tried help me at all, because the end history for each one was total block system at moment to open live session, i try one tuto and another and another and another ..... and then i give up!! to sad... and i try to reinstall back Linux Mint 17.3. here it's comming the best part of my case, BOOOM!!!! the same issue than Sarah Installation now was happen with Rosa Installation, then i thought "never happen when i did the first installation with Rosa and is the same old ISO, and now my old iso17.3 is going same like my new iso18, for a moment i though a virus??? hehehehe imposible, infact until that moment i dont have any idea what could be happen (two days later some friend explain to me what it suppouse happen, i dont know to much abouth what my friend explain to me but i did what he toll me and my MacLinux its back) to make my previous iso file LM17.3 runs in the same way like the new one LM18 crashdown system, I found with a friend of mine that Apple's InternetRecoverySystem when you go into for it, they take delicate info abouth special details of behavior and use of the machine, some info its saved inside some ROM area in Apple's Machines and Apple use this info and the chance to send into your firmware parcials small updates course after analize that info they previus collect but all this it just happen in seconds and you never notice nothing. All that its abouth to keep holding that "exclusive image"  over the Apple's hardware. well im not pretend to expand too much. What i just share is to exposse a clear idea, what kind of throuble i got.

This history has a happy end

Two days i keep my self give up, and i start again and what i found with a friend who is working in some company, it's so so so simple, that it makes me fell ashamed. Ok  let's do it. Quick and simple

- Start your Macbook Pro and Go into internet recovery using CMD key + R key at instance after you press POWER botton once you are there open DiskUtilities Application and delete your partition(s) disk totally (no partition must left in the disk) then create a new one partition JHFS+ and close the app DiskUtilities and close Internet Recovery System, (Sorry i almost forget to tell you this, before download rEFInd for MacOS and save it maybe you can use a usb pendrive. Ok before close Internet Recovery System open a terminal window  go to your downloaded rEFInd file wherever you saved, and  just type ./refind-install , just that and rEFInd it will be installed and ready to work netx time you reboot your Macbook, now you can close internet recovery system and off it your Mac.

-Restart your Macbook and you will face on the screen the rEFInd bootloader Splash with two choices the one that its for rEFInd settings and second its your HardDrive, but we know, nothing is there, just plug your USB with your ISO installation and it'll appear into the choices on the screnn click on it and you are able to procede with your normal installation 

-When you finish your installation go to shoutdown, dont restart, and then power on your Macbook and inmediatly press at same time OptAlt key + Ctrl key + Shift key + BackSpace Key this combination makes a bypass bridge over Apple'sBootSystemReader the responsable to avoid other operatives systems to run in proper way in Apple's hardware, in this step your system it go directly to your linux boot menu, then go to boot your system, check all the start is in order?, everything its ok!? ...good, next and last

- You need reinstall rEFInd again, (in case that you want it or you can dissmissed and use a normal linux boot) the process its the same way so, so, so, simple. Just go to the folder where rEFInd files its and type ./refind-install  and that's it. now internal Apple's Firmware wont bother you again, until next upgrade software hehehehehehe, It's a joke!!! But if you have on mind keep Linux on you Macbook just try to dont use InternetRecoverySystem and everything it will be ok.

Thanks for your time, and thanks to LM Team for the great job that they do for everybody in the World.

remoulder 8 years ago

This is not a blog page, tutorials are concise and to the point!