List Hardware in Linux Installation

  8 years ago

I cannot take credit for this as I found it out on the web but found it useful. This is to list out all the hardware on your Linux installation includes CPU, Memory, Hard Drives, USB Devices, Optical Media, Video cards and it prints the info to a webpage and displays it using Firefox.

Simply open a terminal in Linux and type this command.

sudo lshw -html > ~/hardware_info.html && firefox ~/hardware_info.html


To get lots of info like this...

description: Computer
width: 64 bits
capabilities: smbios-2.4 vsyscall32
product: AMD FX(tm)-8300 Eight-Core Processor
vendor: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD]
physical id:
bus info:
size: 1400MHz
capacity: 3300MHz
saintdanbert 8 years ago

Why doesn't Linux -- especially Linux Mint -- offer a formatted page of PDF, HTML, or even XML that describes the running workstation with format and content that would be useful for insurance inventory, company asset records, or -- heaven forbid -- the end user when seeking help from various support providers?

There are a handful or two of 'ls*' commands to learn various things about a linux workstation. Sadly, the data appears in what many end-users [read, "converts from other platforms"] might consider gibberish. Yes, some distributions have some sort of "system information" utility on the graphical desktop. These, too, are marginally useful.

remoulder 8 years ago

This is not a tutorial, basic linux commands are well documented.