How To mount and use your Googledrive in Linux Mint Cinnamon 18

  8 years ago

How To mount and use your Googledrive in Linux Mint Cinnamon 18

and other on Ubuntu based Linux                                  TuX on Gdrive       

This short tutorial was created for Mint newcomers which own a Gmail account and have no idea how to access their Googledrive in Linux Mint.

It was made simple as possible, inspired by the detailed "How to mount Google Drive on Linux" -

all credits goes to Dan Nanni on and the developer Allessandro Strada

How To ...

Copy and paste following commands into your terminal,

without the   ~ $  or   #   and the following space,

f.e. for "~ $ sudo apt-get update"  - you just copy and paste   sudo apt-get update


Additional info for the newcomer: Terminal signs and their meaning:
~ $ = you are logged in as user - at your home directory (!)

 #  = you are logged in as root - (with the command pwd you can see, where you are) 

This manual was tested well under different circumstances on several Intel Machines, running Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon 64 bit (Sarah);Kernel 4.40-47 ; Cinnamon Version 3.0.7

Unfortunately this was neccessary because Sarah still lacks a client for Googledrive :-|

So here we are using a ppa, which is not an officially recommended way to add software because of possible security leaks.

If you can still live & sleep with this knowledge, like the author does very well, you can continue from here.
If you are one of these paranoid friends - you have to wait for a better solution -
but if you were paranoid - you would not use Google, don't ya ...

Here we go, don't worry it isn't any complicated,
just follow the instructions and clone the the actions as shown.


NOTE: You have to put your real username in the spaces where you see "username"

Open a terminal:

= username@yourcomputer ~ $
~ $ su
= Password:
(enter your [root] password and hit enter - note - there is no visual effect)
= YourComputer username #
 # apt-add-repository ppa:alessandro-strada/ppa
    (your action: confirm ; next:)
 # apt update
 # apt install google-drive-ocamlfuse
    (your action: confirm ; next:)
 # groupadd fuse
 # usermod -a -G fuse username
 # exit
    then close the terminal-window.

Open a NEW terminal (with your username - not as root !)

= username@yourcomputer ~ $
~ $ exec su -l $USER
= Password:
(enter your password and hit enter - note - there is no visual effect)

At this point quit your browser - Firefox by default;
shut all windows _NOW_ (important!)

~ $ google-drive-ocamlfuse

    Now Firefox (by system default) will open up a window,
    asking you to log in to your Google account.
    Log in with your Google account with name and password.
    After logging in, Google is requesting for permission.
    Click on "Accept". 
    Next you have to grant access to your Google account.
    Click on "Allow".
    Then you should see a message saying that google-drive-       ocamlfuse was
    successfully granted access.
    Close the Firefox tab / window  NOW  - to finalize the    
    After you will see this feedback in your terminal-window:

= Access token retrieved correctly.

    Now a mount point needs to be created,
    for that you can access to your Googledrive as a mounted volume,
    it will appear in the window of your "Files" manager
    (in Cinnamon = Nemo, by default): 

~ $ mkdir ~/googledrive
    (no feedback; next:)
~ $ google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/googledrive
    (no feedback; next:)
~ $ mount
= a lot of feedback; the LAST line should look like this:
    "google-drive-ocamlfuse on /home/username/googledrive type
    (the handcrafting on the terminal is done for now, and so next:)

~ $ exit

Open your File Manager, for Cinnamon it is called "Files" News- the internal name is "Nemo"

Now you should see your "googledrive" - additional attached as a volume in your filemanger,
you can use it like an usual attached device, like an USB stick, f.e.
It will be available until you shutdown/restart your system.

If you wish to disconnect your googledrive manually, paste this command in a terminal:
~ $ fusermount -u ~/googledrive

If you wish to connect your googledrive manually, paste this command in a terminal:

~ $  google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/googledrive


A little comfort: Just double-click a file for mount / unmount :
Optional you can go ahead and create a simple mount
and a simple un-mount script on an easy way:
For mounting googledrive by your request:
  1. Create a new document with gedit.
  2. Paste in: google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/googledrive
  3. Safe as f.e: Mount Googledrive  on a certain destination, f.e. desktop
  4. Close gedit.
  5. Locate the file and right-click on it,
     choose properties;
  6. click on access-rights
  7. Mark the field "allow executing as application"
  8. Close the properties window
  9. Double-click your file
 10. Choose  execute  on upcoming window =
     googledrive becomes available / getting mounted
For UN-mounting googledrive by your request:

  1. Create a new document with gedit.
  2. Paste in: fusermount -u ~/googledrive
  3. Safe as f.e: Unmount Googledrive  on a certain destination, f.e. desktop
  4. Close gedit.
  5. Locate the file and right-click on it,
     choose properties;
  6. click on access-rights
  7. Mark the field "allow executing as application"
  8. Close the properties window
  9. Double-click your file
 10. Choose  execute  on upcoming window =

     googledrive gets disconnected / unmounted

Note: You can safe/move these both files to any destination

      inside your home directory you like


Note: Known Bug (moderate):

If you are using the 'scripts' from above -

make sure that you have only one Nemo window open -

otherwise the unmount command will fail.



No more issues with Dropbox at the same time with GoogleDrive.

ismail783 6 years ago

In linux Mint 19 the process has become lot simpler.

Menu -> Online Account -> Login to Google

Thats it

Liqua 6 years ago

Thank you very much. I have no idea what some of the commands did (newbie), the cut/paste method worked like a charm.

Pilfer 7 years ago

Works perfectly!!! Of course right after I discovered and completed this tutorial, I stumbled upon Gnome Online Accounts while looking through the settings in Mint. Since it works flawlessly (only difference being it appears under "Networks" instead of "Devices)", I saw no reason for the redundancy. I of course chose to remove the third party solution, but regardless this does work perfectly!!!

The1Gr8Scott 7 years ago

The instructions were easy to follow, although I did not get all the expected results in each step. This is what I was looking for and it is working well for me. Thanks and B Blessed.

bugamc24 8 years ago

Solved: If some other fresh user got stuck in this, just close the File explorer and re-open it, works like a refresh. Thank you for the tutorial mister!

bugamc24 8 years ago

It is working! Except one thing: the files inside the `googledrive` are invisible.(Note: First time after I finished the tutorial they were visible).
Mounting and unmounting does not make them visible. May you please share some ideas on what I could do to make them be visible again?

remoulder 8 years ago

This is completely unnecessary as Nemo supports Gnome Online accounts

Gman5938 8 years ago

Thank you so much, this worked really well!

Hammer459 8 years ago

I'm torn here... well put together tutorial promoting Evil Empire G. ;-)

Rebel450 8 years ago

That dam editor still sucks as hell :-(