7 years ago 1 |
I was annoyed by the neccessity of changing sound card output to HDMI or build-in laptop speaker via sound manager. I wrote the below listed bash script to automate this by simply running it.
# zmiana aktywnego wyjścia dźwięku na HDMI lub na monitor
# ustawienie parametrów skryptu:
current_output=`pacmd list-sinks | grep name: | sed -e 's/\tname: <//g' -e 's/>//g' -e 's/[a-z0-9_-]\+//' -e 's/[a-z0-9_-]\+//' -e 's/[.0-9]//g'`
echo "Current output is: " $current_output
if [[ $current_output = "hdmi-stereo" ]]; then
echo "New output is: analog-stereo"
pacmd set-card-profile 0 output:analog-stereo+input:analog-stereo
sink_index=`pacmd list-sinks | grep index | sed -e 's/ \+//g' -e 's/[a-z*:]//g'`
pacmd set-sink-volume $sink_index $hdmi_default_volume
if [[ $current_output = "analog-stereo" ]]; then
echo "New output is: hdmi-stereo"
pacmd set-card-profile 0 output:hdmi-stereo
sink_index=`pacmd list-sinks | grep index | sed -e 's/ \+//g' -e 's/[a-z*:]//g'`
pacmd set-sink-volume $sink_index $analog_default_volume
I have placed laucher of this script in desktop, so I can toggle between HDMI and analog sound by double-clicking it. If you have any other outputs you can easily modify the above codecto include them.