Auto mount any partitions on startup simply using AriOS AutoMount.

  7 years ago

As PySDM is not available in Software Manager of mint, the best option to Auto Mount your drives / partitions/ disks, during start up, is AriOS AutoMount.


To use AriOS is simple. Unlike PySDM, AriOS doesn't require any special or additional user configuration.


Just install it and everything else is automatically done by AriOS.


Download AriOS from


Other Features :

Use with any type of partitions viz ext / fat / ntfs, etc

AriOS functions without predating /etc/fstab

Get notifications on GNOME 3 shell, when it automatically mounts.



It can be ENABLED / DISABLED by going to Startup Applications.

[type 'startup applications' after pressing super-key or windows-key on keyboard]


Type 'auto-mount settings' after pressing super-key / windows key.


greencedar 6 years ago

I did go to the link. The information on the linked page was not informative enough for me to download.

Also, remoulder is correct. Up-to-date information, particularly for the Ubuntu users, would be helpful.

ManuRahim, Maybe if you updated the information, and do what remoulder suggested, the tutorial would be more beneficial to other users

ManuRahim 7 years ago

I'm using Linux Mint Sonya, the latest. Its working for me. I dint say, I invented this software. I searched google, when I got trouble in auto mounting my drives. This technique worked for me. So I shared it to other users. Its not copy paste.

remoulder 7 years ago

Firstly copying text from other sites does not make it your tutorial, and a link to the original page would suffice.
Secondly your suggestion is deprecated 6 year old software that may not even work in recent releases of mint/ubuntu, and which have built in tools to do the same thing.

ManuRahim 7 years ago

This is my 1st tutorial guys. Kindly promote. Its working for me, so it work for you too. Thanks to webpud8.

Don't know how to hide download link with text. Plz share, if you know.