Install MATE Desktop Envt on Mint, without removing your beautiful Cinnamon. (for better performance)

  7 years ago

Its a proven fact that, MATE version of Linux-Mint performs better than the CINNAMON version. If your computer is having issues with GNOME 3 based CINNAMON, then I personally recommend you to use MATE desktop inbterface (GNOME 2).


Open your terminal : Ctrl + Alt + T


Type: sudo apt-get install mint-meta-mate


Type your PASSWORD


You are done. Now exit the terminal.


Click MENU, then LOG-OUT (or press Super-Key / Windows-Key, then Log-Out)


Now aside of your login name, there will be an icon encircled.


Click on that. Now choose MATE..


Type password.


Benefits of MATE:

  • Load faster
  • Better performance
  • Works best in Low-end computers.


Aothor's opinion:

  • Tried mate, but I'm addicted to cinnamon. love its style. So I disabled the startup apps of cinnamon and reduced the graphical utilisation. It works.. So if you need these tips, comment or search GOOGLE or forums.