--ab-loop-a Time (default: no)
--ab-loop-b Time (default: no)
--access-references Flag (default: yes)
--ad String (default: )
--ad-lavc-ac3drc Float (0 to 6) (default: 0.000000)
--ad-lavc-downmix Flag (default: yes)
--ad-lavc-o Key/value list (default: )
--ad-lavc-threads Integer (0 to 16) (default: 1)
--af Object settings list (default: )
--af-defaults Object settings list (default: )
--aid Choices: no auto (or an integer) (0 to 8190) (default: auto)
--alang String list (default: )
--alpha Choices: no yes blend blend-tiles (default: blend-tiles)
--alsa-ignore-chmap Flag (default: no)
--alsa-mixer-device String (default: default)
--alsa-mixer-index Integer (0 to 99) (default: 0)
--alsa-mixer-name String (default: Master)
--alsa-non-interleaved Flag (default: no)
--alsa-resample Flag (default: no)
--ao Object settings list (default: )
--ao-null-broken-delay Flag (default: no)
--ao-null-broken-eof Flag (default: no)
--ao-null-buffer Float (0 to 100) (default: 0.200000)
--ao-null-channel-layouts Audio channels or channel map (default: )
--ao-null-latency Float (0 to 100) (default: 0.000000)
--ao-null-outburst Integer (1 to 100000) (default: 256)
--ao-null-speed Float (0 to 10000) (default: 1.000000)
--ao-null-untimed Flag (default: no)
--ao-pcm-append Flag (default: no)
--ao-pcm-file String (default: ) [file]
--ao-pcm-waveheader Flag (default: yes)
--audio alias for aid
--audio-buffer Double (0 to 10) (default: 0.200000)
--audio-channels Audio channels or channel map (default: auto-safe)
--audio-client-name String (default: mpv)
--audio-delay Float (default: 0.000000)
--audio-demuxer String (default: )
--audio-device String (default: auto)
--audio-display Choices: no attachment (default: attachment)
--audio-exclusive Flag (default: no)
--audio-fallback-to-null Flag (default: no)
--audio-file alias for audio-files-append (CLI/config files only)
--audio-file-auto Choices: no exact fuzzy all (default: no)
--audio-file-paths String list (default: )
--audio-files String list (default: )
--audio-format Audio format
--audio-normalize-downmix Flag (default: no)
--audio-pitch-correction Flag (default: yes)
--audio-samplerate Integer (1000 to 768000) (default: 0)
--audio-spdif String (default: )
--audio-stream-silence Flag (default: no)
--audio-wait-open Float (0 to 60) (default: 0.000000)
--autofit Window size (default: )
--autofit-larger Window size (default: )
--autofit-smaller Window size (default: )
--autoload-files Flag (default: yes)
--autosync Choices: no (or an integer) (0 to 10000) (default: 0)
--background Color
--blend-subtitles Choices: no yes video (default: no)
--bluray-device String (default: ) [file]
--border Flag (default: yes)
--brightness Integer (-100 to 100) (default: 0)
--cache Choices: no auto yes (or an integer) (32 to 2147483647) (default: auto)
--cache-backbuffer Integer (0 to 2147483647) (default: 10000)
--cache-default Choices: no (or an integer) (32 to 2147483647) (default: 10000)
--cache-file String (default: ) [file]
--cache-file-size Integer (0 to 2147483647) (default: 1048576)
--cache-initial Integer (0 to 2147483647) (default: 0)
--cache-pause Flag (default: yes)
--cache-secs Double (0 to any) (default: 36000.000000)
--cache-seek-min Integer (0 to 2147483647) (default: 500)
--chapter-merge-threshold Integer (0 to 10000) (default: 100)
--chapter-seek-threshold Double (default: 5.000000)
--chapters-file String (default: ) [file]
--config Flag (default: yes) [no runtime changes]
--config-dir String (default: ) [not in config files] [file] [no runtime changes]
--contrast Integer (-100 to 100) (default: 0)
--cookies Flag (default: no)
--cookies-file String (default: ) [file]
--correct-downscaling Flag (default: no)
--correct-pts Flag (default: yes)
--cscale String (default: bilinear)
--cscale-antiring Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000000)
--cscale-blur Float (default: 0.000000)
--cscale-clamp Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000000)
--cscale-cutoff Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.001000)
--cscale-param1 Float (default: nan)
--cscale-param2 Float (default: nan)
--cscale-radius Float (0.5 to 16) (default: 0.000000)
--cscale-taper Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000000)
--cscale-wblur Float (default: 0.000000)
--cscale-window String (default: )
--cscale-wparam Float (default: nan)
--cscale-wtaper Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000000)
--cuda-decode-device Choices: auto (or an integer) (0 to 2147483647) (default: auto)
--cursor-autohide Choices: no always (or an integer) (0 to 30000) (default: 1000)
--cursor-autohide-fs-only Flag (default: no)
--deband Flag (default: no)
--deband-grain Float (0 to 4096) (default: 48.000000)
--deband-iterations Integer (1 to 16) (default: 1)
--deband-range Float (1 to 64) (default: 16.000000)
--deband-threshold Float (0 to 4096) (default: 64.000000)
--deinterlace Flag (default: no)
--demuxer String (default: )
--demuxer-lavf-allow-mimetype Flag (default: yes)
--demuxer-lavf-analyzeduration Float (0 to 3600) (default: 0.000000)
--demuxer-lavf-buffersize Integer (1 to 10485760) (default: 32768)
--demuxer-lavf-format String (default: )
--demuxer-lavf-genpts-mode Choices: lavf no (default: no)
--demuxer-lavf-hacks Flag (default: yes)
--demuxer-lavf-o Key/value list (default: )
--demuxer-lavf-probe-info Choices: no yes auto (default: auto)
--demuxer-lavf-probescore Integer (1 to 100) (default: 26)
--demuxer-lavf-probesize Integer (32 to 2147483647) (default: 0)
--demuxer-max-back-bytes Integer (0 to 2147483647) (default: 419430400)
--demuxer-max-bytes Integer (0 to 2147483647) (default: 419430400)
--demuxer-mkv-probe-start-time Flag (default: no)
--demuxer-mkv-probe-video-duration Choices: no yes full (default: no)
--demuxer-mkv-subtitle-preroll Choices: no yes index (default: index)
--demuxer-mkv-subtitle-preroll-secs Double (0 to any) (default: 1.000000)
--demuxer-mkv-subtitle-preroll-secs-index Double (0 to any) (default: 10.000000)
--demuxer-rawaudio-channels Audio channels or channel map (default: stereo)
--demuxer-rawaudio-format Choices: u8 s8 u16le u16be s16le s16be u24le u24be s24le s24be u32le u32be s32le s32be floatle floatbe doublele doublebe u16 s16 u24 s24 u32 s32 float double (default: s16le)
--demuxer-rawaudio-rate Integer (1000 to 384000) (default: 44100)
--demuxer-rawvideo-codec String (default: )
--demuxer-rawvideo-format FourCC
--demuxer-rawvideo-fps Float (0.001 to 1000) (default: 25.000000)
--demuxer-rawvideo-h Integer (1 to 8192) (default: 720)
--demuxer-rawvideo-mp-format Image format
--demuxer-rawvideo-size Integer (1 to 268435456) (default: 0)
--demuxer-rawvideo-w Integer (1 to 8192) (default: 1280)
--demuxer-readahead-secs Double (0 to any) (default: 1.000000)
--demuxer-seekable-cache Choices: auto no yes (default: auto)
--demuxer-thread Flag (default: yes)
--display-fps Double (0 to any) (default: 0.000000)
--display-tags String list (default: Artist,Album,Album_Artist,Comment,Composer,Genre,Performer,Title,Track,icy-title,service_name)
--dither Choices: fruit ordered no (default: fruit)
--dither-depth Choices: no auto (or an integer) (-1 to 16) (default: no)
--dither-size-fruit Integer (2 to 8) (default: 6)
--drm-connector String (default: )
--drm-mode Integer (default: 0)
--drm-overlay Integer (default: 0)
--dscale String (default: )
--dscale-antiring Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000000)
--dscale-blur Float (default: 0.000000)
--dscale-clamp Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000000)
--dscale-cutoff Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.001000)
--dscale-param1 Float (default: nan)
--dscale-param2 Float (default: nan)
--dscale-radius Float (0.5 to 16) (default: 0.000000)
--dscale-taper Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000000)
--dscale-wblur Float (default: 0.000000)
--dscale-window String (default: )
--dscale-wparam Float (default: nan)
--dscale-wtaper Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000000)
--dump-stats String (default: )
--dvbin-card Integer (1 to 4) (default: 0)
--dvbin-file String (default: ) [file]
--dvbin-full-transponder Flag (default: no)
--dvbin-prog String (default: )
--dvbin-timeout Integer (1 to 30) (default: 30)
--dvd-angle Integer (1 to 99) (default: 1)
--dvd-device String (default: ) [file]
--dvd-speed Integer (default: 0)
--edition Choices: auto (or an integer) (0 to 8190) (default: auto)
--embeddedfonts Flag (default: yes)
--end Relative time or percent position
--external-file alias for external-files-append (CLI/config files only)
--external-files String list (default: )
--fbo-format String (default: auto)
--fit-border Flag (default: yes)
--force-media-title String (default: )
--force-rgba-osd-rendering Flag (default: no)
--force-seekable Flag (default: no)
--force-window Choices: no yes immediate (default: no)
--force-window-position Flag (default: no)
--fps Double (0 to any) (default: 0.000000)
--framedrop Choices: no vo decoder decoder+vo (default: vo)
--frames Choices: all (or an integer) (0 to 2147483647) (default: all)
--fs alias for fullscreen
--fs-screen Choices: all current (or an integer) (0 to 32) (default: current)
--fullscreen Flag (default: no)
--gamma Integer (-100 to 100) (default: 0)
--gamma-auto Flag (default: no)
--gamma-factor Float (0.1 to 2) (default: 1.000000)
--gamut-warning Flag (default: no)
--gapless-audio Choices: no yes weak (default: weak)
--geometry Window geometry (default: )
--glsl-shader alias for glsl-shaders-append (CLI/config files only)
--glsl-shaders String list (default: )
--gpu-api String (default: )
--gpu-context String (default: )
--gpu-debug Flag (default: no)
--gpu-dumb-mode Choices: auto yes no (default: auto)
--gpu-hwdec-interop String (default: auto)
--gpu-shader-cache-dir String (default: )
--gpu-sw Flag (default: no)
--gpu-tex-pad-x Integer (0 to 4096) (default: 0)
--gpu-tex-pad-y Integer (0 to 4096) (default: 0)
--h String (default: ) [not in config files] [no runtime changes]
--hdr-compute-peak Flag (default: no)
--help String (default: ) [not in config files] [no runtime changes]
--hidpi-window-scale Flag (default: yes)
--hls-bitrate Choices: no min max (or an integer) (0 to 2147483647) (default: max)
--hr-seek Choices: no absolute yes always (default: absolute)
--hr-seek-demuxer-offset Float (default: 0.000000)
--hr-seek-framedrop Flag (default: yes)
--http-header-fields String list (default: )
--hue Integer (-100 to 100) (default: 0)
--hwdec String (default: no)
--hwdec-codecs String (default: h264,vc1,wmv3,hevc,mpeg2video,vp9)
--hwdec-image-format Image format
--icc-3dlut-size String (default: 64x64x64)
--icc-cache-dir String (default: ) [file]
--icc-contrast Integer (0 to 100000) (default: 0)
--icc-intent Integer (default: 1)
--icc-profile String (default: ) [file]
--icc-profile-auto Flag (default: no)
--idle Choices: no once yes (default: no)
--ignore-path-in-watch-later-config Flag (default: no)
--image-display-duration Double (0 to inf) (default: 1.000000)
--image-subs-video-resolution Flag (default: no)
--include String (default: ) [file]
--index Choices: default recreate (default: default)
--initial-audio-sync Flag (default: yes)
--input-ar-delay Integer (default: 200)
--input-ar-rate Integer (default: 40)
--input-cmdlist Print [not in config fil