Install Avro Phonetic(Bangla) on Linux mint (test on 18.3 xfce edition)

  7 years ago

Sometimes I need to type in Bangla but direct Bangla layout is difficult so I try to install avro phonetic from their officoal website but there are many error.After searching on google I found a solution on one of their developer github repo and its suucessfully install on linux mint 18.3. So just follow the step bellow(process is same on all edition but setting is shown on xfce edition):

1) Open terminal and choose you directory to download .deb file ( in my case cd Documents )

2) Then run this command      

wget ""

sudo dpkg -i avro_2.0-1_all.deb

If you get any dependency error, then also run the following command:

sudo apt-get install -f

4) Now got to settings -> input method -> select Ibus and close

5) Now you need to restart Ibus to work everything fine.Run following command:

ibus restart

6) on xfce panel there should be a ibus icon (en) right click on icon -> preferences -> input method -> add -> click on more icon -> Bangla -> avro phonetic. Thats all.

{{7) On other edition go to keyboard -> text entry -> search for avro phonetic and select }}


Tux Salute:)



mdabdulazizzisan 2 years ago

There is a keyboard shortcut for changing Avro to En. It is +
But in linux mint, by default this keyboard shortcut is assigned for layout change so you'll have to disable it from the settings.
The following steps are: Settings > Keyboard > Layouts > Options > Keyboard Layout Options > switching to another layout > win+space
uncheck the "win+space". restart your machine and It should work fine.

dhimanda 4 years ago

is there any keyboard shortcut to change AVRO to EN?

abdunnafialif 4 years ago


omsukanta 6 years ago

Thanx for this update

sianraji 6 years ago

Hey, thank you very much for this tutorial. It work's for me.