Change Owner and Group Permissions

  6 years ago

Change Group

sudo su

# chgrp

Change Owner and Group at One Time

sudo su

# chown :

Change Owner and Group with Sub Folder and Files

sudo su

# chown -R : name>

Files and Folder Permission’s

ls -l

The permissions are broken into 4 sections.


- rwx rwx rwx
“-” indicates a file, “d” indicates directory, “l” indicates a link Read, write, and execute permissions for the owner of the file Read, write, and execute permissions for the group owning the file Read, write, and execute permissions for other users

u = user, g = group, o = others, a = all.
r     =     Read only
w     =     Write only
x     =     Execute

sudo su
# chmod u=rw <file/folder name>
# chmod g=r <file/folder name>
# chmod ug=r <file/folder name>
Permission Numbers
    0 = ---
    1 = --x
    2 = -w-
    3 = -wx
    4 = r-
    5 = r-x
    6 = rw-
    7 = rwx

# chmod 666 <file/folder name>
# chmod -R 666 <folder name>

remoulder 6 years ago

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