Automatic Updates in Linux Mint using mintupdate (with options)

  4 years ago

Automatic Updates with mintupdate

Enable automatic updates

Enable "Apply updates automatically" in Update Manager:

OR simply run this command:
$ sudo mintupdate-automation upgrade enable


Security updates only

Append the following to /etc/mintupdate-automatic-upgrades.conf - create the file if it doesn't exist;

#Security updates only


That's it! Security updates are now being installed automatically every day.


Other options

Automatic updates are installed with a 'mintupdate-cli' command that runs every day. It will append each line in that .conf file to it.

For example, if you for some reason want to only install kernel updates for some reason, add --only-kernel to the .conf file.

Check 'man mintupdate-cli' for more options.


Default command before checking /etc/mintupdate-automatic-upgrades.conf is:

mintupdate-cli upgrade --refresh-cache --yes


Log file at:


Radim 2 years ago

When I switch on automatic updates, the file /etc/mintupdate-automatic-upgrades.conf doesnt get created. Is that normal? Im trying to find out where the autoupdate state or conf is stored after switching on.