How to make a dual-boot into Windows put the "pagefile.sys" onto the linux-swap partition

  14 years ago

You can have Linux use a swap file instead of a partition. You can also have Windows (via something like SwapFS - see or the mirror at use a swap partition and move your pagefile.sys to it.

SwapFs is a driver for Windows that let you use a Linux swap partition for temporary storage, like a RAM-disk. It is possible to put Windows page file on it. It is implemented as a disk filter driver.
New in release 2.1 Works with swap partitions bigger than 4GB, works on 64-bit systems.
New in release 2: Works with standby and hibernation on Windows 2000/XP.

You should also know that there are two files for the Windows operating system: the paging file (pagefile.sys) for swap and the hibernation file (hiberfil.sys), which stores the system state when the Windows operating system goes into "hibernate" mode.

kazztan0325 13 years ago

This tutorial is very interesting, though I don't use Windows on real machine anymore.

Alexio 14 years ago

As mentioned in the swapfs.reg file, you should know that /dev/hda1 in Linux is equivalent to \\Device\\Harddisk0\\Partition1 in Windows NT. Please note that an extended partition number is skipped in the enumeration.

You should try with "SwapDevice"="\\Device\\Harddisk0\\Partition4" and "S:"="\\Device\\Harddisk0\\Partition4". If it fails, you may need to write Harddisk1 instead of Harddisk0.

cpatrick08 14 years ago

so if my partition is sda4 i would change partition1 to partition4 on both instances in the swapfs.reg file