Skype install on Linux Mint Desktop Edition 64-bit

  14 years ago


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Skype install on Linux Mint Desktop Edition 64-bit

1. Update repository:

sudo apt-get update

2. Install all stuff:
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk skype pidgin-skype
3. Run it from your start-menu
robert_leleu 10 years ago

very convenient


sdim 12 years ago

Worked fine on Mint 14 64-bit.
Many thanks.

Bigten 12 years ago

Thank you but this installs a I386 not a 86_64 I am confused.

highlandham 13 years ago

skype is working well on my Katiya installation , however when exiting on desktop there is no 'green circle with white V' in the panel to re-invoke Skype . I never had this problem /omission with Mandriva - Lubuntu -Kubuntu and much earlier with Windows
Any hint how to get the above green circle with white V on the panel , will be much appreciated
Frank highlandham

efthialex 14 years ago

Thank you very much!