14 years ago 6 |
Hello, So this i my first tutorial here and I'm about to make it quick and as easy to follow as possible.
Running Isadora(aka mint 9)
Toshiba Satellite A200(-SP1)
English language settings
Base: (Skip this if you just want to get it work) :D
Well when i came up with mint linux recently and decided to install it on my Toshiba A200-SP1 i came to notice only 2 things that weren't working out of the box.
1. Bluethooth
2. Texsas instuments 5 in 1 card reader (for xD card at least)
So i looked around the computer and luckily i noticed it uses phoenix bios 1.70 :)
i had came up with this BIOS before with my other lapstop (Omnibook XE3-GF) and so on familiar with this awesome module called "omnibook".
It adds functionalitis to these not so well supported phoenix BIOS:ses and i decided to try it :)
after while i figured Isadora has omnibook module outofthe box but not used. i modprobed it and notice nothing changed.. well i dig around a little and found it need options for not supported hardware (like Toshiba A200-SP1) and after searching a little i came up with this "ectype=12" and it worked! i got Bluetooth working,
1. Open Terminal (Alt + F2 and write gnome-terminal)
2. Go to root user write:
sudo -i
3. Write:
nano /etc/modprobe.d/omnibook.conf
4. now paste this in it:
options omnibook ectype=12 userset=0 lcd=0 display=0 blank=0 battery=0 ac=0 bluetooth=1
(if you want some interesting extras you can just put ectype=12 bluetooth=1 and not mension any others eg. display=0)
5. Press Ctrl+x , Press y and Press Enter
6. Now write:
nano /etc/modules
7. Write on the last line:
8. Reboot or if your hasty do:
modprobe omnibook
Now Bluetooth should be up and running, check it from Bluetooth options :)
Question: "I did modprobe omnibook but Bluetooth still shows there is no adapter"
Answer: If you use other verion of Toshiba Satellite or other computer with phoenix bios you might have different ectype to use so try:
modprobe omnibook ectype=12 userset=0 lcd=0 display=0 blank=0 battery=0 ac=0 bluetooth=1
So change ectype=12 for example ectype=14
+ after each modprobe that doesn't work run: rmmod omnibook
+ usefull information can be found in /proc/omnibook
Have Fun :)
Thanks Allu2, this really worked for me. And now i can transfer files from mobile to pc and vise-verse. My machine is not toshiba A200 SP1 Isadora, my machine is Toshiba Satellite L500. It also worked there. Thanks.
This seems to be obsolate tutorial since the newer kernel versions have support for the bluethooth adapter, should work out of the box :)