13 years ago 10 |
If your touch pad can not emulate a double click by tapping on the touch pad go to the terminal and type:
sudo gedit /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf
then replace with:
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "touchpad catchall"
Driver "synaptics"
MatchIsTouchpad "on"
Option "TapButton1" "1"
Option "VertEdgeScroll" "1"
Then save the file, close gedit
go back to the terminal and type: sudo reboot
log-in and test the touch pad by tapping on it to open files
Doesnt work here,no miracle happens :( Im using Acer Aspire One D255 Netbook.All I can do is modprobe in terminal to enable edge-scrolling.But afer restarting,or sudo reboot,everything will still be like before,no scroll for me.
Sorry,my English is bad.
Merci pour l'info!
spot on. Thanks!
This works for Gnome as well. Thanks @aljoriz.
Thank you, it works as a charm!