User Switching menu off

  13 years ago

User Switching menu Off.

In the shutdown screen which allow you to choose "Switch User".
This works sometimes bad.
Besides, this system anyway at the expense of force: the first user session remains in memory.
Therefore, you should not use this option.
So prefer "Unsubscribe".
This log User A full afvoordat you log on as user B.
Completely remove this option from the shutdown menu, proceed as follows:
Utilities - Tools - Terminal:
type in (copy and paste)


Click to:
desktop - gnome - lockdown
Place a tick: disable_user_switching

Then click through to:
apps - gnome-screensaver
Remove the checkmark from:

Made Google trans´.

cork 10 years ago

This would have worked a few years ago. However, the process is slightly different.
My tutorial on this can be found here:
You do not need gconf-editor.

LONNIEFUTURE 13 years ago

Great tip Wanda thank's!

wanda 13 years ago

Thanks you.

efthialex 13 years ago

Nice tip,thank you!