13 years ago 4 |
How to install/configure MySQL Database
Nurcan Ozturk
Abstract: I explain how I installed MySQL database on my machine heppc6.uta.edu and the web-interfece of MySQL (phpMyAdmin, running on heppc1.uta.edu).
Part I: MySQL database
Introduction: MySQL is a relational database management system. It is a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user, and robust SQL (Structured Query Language) database server. MySQL is open source software. It is provided by MySQL AB, a Swedish company owned and run by the MySQL founders and main developers.
Since the core of the Magda-Manager for Grid-based Data is a MySQL database (the principal entities of Magda are implemented as MySQL tables), we wanted to install MySQL first to better understand its functionality and features.
Requirements: MySQL needs at least Linux kernel versions 2.0 or higher.
Where to learn more: The MySQL home page, http://www.mysql.com, provides the latest information about MySQL. The most recent version of the MySQL reference manual is available at http://www.mysql.com/documentation/index.html
How to download/install MySQL database:
shell> rpm –qpl MySQL-3.23.43-1.i386.rpm
To perform the installation, run (as root):
shell> rpm –i MySQL-3.23.43-1.i386.rpm MySQL-client-3.23.43-1.i386.rpm
The server should always be running. To check if the server is running:
shell> /usr/bin/mysqladmin version
shell> /usr/bin/mysqladmin variables
shell> mysql –u test
Since anything created in the test database can be removed by anyone else with access to it, it is always good idea to set up a root (administrator) password and open user accounts and grant privileges to users. To do this:
shell> mysql –u root –p
Enter password: skip by enter
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR root=PASSWORD(‘new_password’);
MySQL commands should be followed by a semicolon. You can connect to MySQL as root (administrator), even from another host . Type:
shell> mysql –u root –h heppc6 –p
Enter password:******
mysql> GRANT USAGE ON database_name.* TO utahep@localhost
and grant privileges to users:
mysql> GRANT SELECT ON database_name.* TO utahep@localhost
This means that you created a user ‘utahep’ who can connect with a password ‘utahep’ from the localhost having only read privileges (means selective privileges) on the database which is ‘database_name’. If you want to grant full privileges (create, drop, grant, select, insert, update, delete, index, alter, etc.) to the user on the database:
mysql> GRANT ALL ON database_name.* TO utahep@localhost
If you want the user to connect from any other host you must issue GRANT statements for both utahep@localhost and utahep@”%” (“%” means any host name).
Do not give normal users read access to the tables in the mysql database. Passwords are stored encrypted in the mysql.user table in this database such that any user can read them and potentially unencrypt the passwords.
heppc6 ‘ when connecting from localhost):
shell> mysql –u utahep –h heppc6 –p
Enter password:******
mysql> SHOW databases;
mysql> USE database_name (no need for semicolon)
create a table, and load data into the table in the database (which is database_name) that the user has privileges in to do so. It is very easy to create a table, you just write a text file ‘table_name.txt’ containing one record per line, with values seperated by tabs and given in the order in which the columns will be listed in the table. I do not explain details here, since it is easier to do these things on the web, after you install the phpMyAdmin program. See the instructions below.
Part II: phpMyAdmin
Introduction: The phpMyAdmin program (the web-interface of MySQL ) is used to handle the administration of MySQL over the WWW.
PhpMyAdmin can administer a whole MySQL server (needs root user/administrator) but also a single database. To accomplish the latter you will need a properly configured MySQL user who has only read/write privileges on the desired database. Currently phpMyAdmin can:
· create and drop databases
· create, copy, drop and alter tables
· delete, edit and add fields
· execute any SQL statement, including batch-queries
· manage keys on fields
· load text files into tables
· create and read dumps of tables
· export and import data to CVS values
· communicate in more than 20 different languages
Requriements: PHP3 or PHP4 (PHP > 3.0.8), MySQL, a web browser. (PHP is a tool that lets you create dynamic web pages. PHP-enabled web pages are treated just like regular HTML pages and you can create and edit them the same way you normally create regular HTML pages. For more information see http://php.net)
How to download/install phpMyAdmin 2.2.1:
shell> tar xzvf phpMyAdmin_2.2.1-php.tar.gz
Make sure that the configuration file does not have any non-ascii characters (like EOF). Initially our server gave strange error messages because of these extra characters.
shell> mysql –u root –p mysql
Enter password:******
mysql> GRANT USAGE ON mysql.* TO ‘standard_user’@localhost
IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’;
mysql>GRANT SELECT ON mysql.user TO ‘standard_user’@localhost;
mysql> GRANT SELECT ON mysql.db TO ‘standard_user’@localhost;
The Gridview program which displays the U.S. ATLAS Grid Testbed status, written by Kaushik De, is now filling the table TestBedArchive20 in the Gridview database every 30 minutes. Anybody can take a look using the same user/password currently set for the standard ATLAS web user/password on htpp://heppc1.uta.edu/kaushik/phpadmin/index.php.
Part III: Replication in MySQL
Introduction: It is always a good idea to replicate all your databases in the case of a machine failure on the primary MySQL server. A MySQL server installation on one machine can act as the master, while the second MySQL server on another machine can act as the slave. The master server keeps a binary log of updates and an index file to the binary logs to keep track of binary rotation. Another benefit of using replication is that you can get live backups of your system by doing a backup on a slave instead of doing it on a master.
Requirements: The second MySQL server must be installed and running on another machine (it is ‘heppc5.uta.edu’ in the following).
How to set up replication:
shell> mysql –u root –p mysql
Enter password:******
mysql> GRANT FILE ON *.* TO repl@”%” IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’;
You created a user named ‘repl’ which can access your master from any host (this is ideally correct but it did not work out until I specified the name of master and the slave machine as well, so I repeated the above for repl@heppc6.uta.edu and repl@heppc5.uta.edu).
shell> /usr/bin/mysqladmin –u root –p shutdown
Enter password:******
shell> tar –cvf /tmp/mysql-snapshot.tar /var/lib/mysql
binlog-do-db= name of the database which master should log updates to the binary log
binlog-ignore-db=name of the database which master should not log updates to the binary log
You usually choose ‘1’ as the server-id of the master and ‘2, 3 ,..’ as that of the slaves.
shell> /usr/bin/safe_mysqld --log-bin
This will create a binary log file (for instance, heppc6-bin.001 above) containing all SQL commands that update data and a binary index file (for instance, heppc6- bin.index above) to be able to know which different binary log files have been used in the /var/lib/mysql directory. Whenever you restart the server, mysqld will append an extension to the binary log filename and all used binary log files will be stored in the binary index file.
replicate-do-db= name of the database which you want to replicate
replicate-ignore-db=name of the database which you do not want to replicate
shell> tar –xvf mysql-snapshot.tar
shell> /usr/bin/safe_mysqld &
Now, the slave should connect to the master and catch up on any updates which happened since the snapshot was taken. Once the slave is replicating, you will find a file called master.info in the /var/lib/mysql directory on the slave. This file is used by the slave to keep track of how much of the master’s binary log has processed.
You can also check the status of the master and the slave in the mysql database:
shell> mysql –u root –p mysql
Enter password:******
mysql> show master status;
mysql> show slave status;
Please read the MySQL reference manual for more information on replication options.
Please let me know of any questions.
Acknowledgements: Many thanks to Mark Sosebee, Kaushik De and Patrick Mcguigan for their help.
Good one! ;)