Installing wireless driver on Toshiba NB500 Netbook

  13 years ago

Adding wireless to a Toshiba NB500 netbook

I thought I would add some tutorials that helped me out.

This is how to install the wireless driver for the Toshiba NB500 Netbook

After installing Linux Mint make sure you are connected through the ethernet (hard wired).
Open your terminal (applications > terminal)
type or copy paste this line and hit enter:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lexical/hwe-wireless

(it will ask for your password, type it in and press enter)

Then type in the following (or copy and paste it) and hit enter:

sudo apt-get update

Wait till everyhitng updates and you see the $ again, then type in the following and hit enter:

sudo apt-get install rtl8192ce-dkms

(this will install the driver) unplug your eternet cord and you should have wireless connections show up now.

This has worked for other toshiba netbooks as well but check to make sure. I know it works on the Toshiba NB500 because I had to install it on my sisters netbook.
