14 years ago 16 |
This tutorial will show you how to get rings on your desktop via conky using lua and cairo. A picture of my desktop can be found here: http://imgur.com/oukFc.png
How to use the ring conky widgets from ConkyHardcore
The conky ring widgets are rings that are generated onto the screen via lua and cairo from within conky. They can be used to show memory usage, Cpu usage, battery power and Filesystem use.
Terms used:
1. Install Conky and create a .conkyrc in your home folder. Mine is here: http://tinyurl.com/my-conkyrc
2. Download my configuration of the ConkyRings lua script, save it somewhere on your computer. The version you should download differs on the amount of cores your processor has.
This will change the amount of rings generated. There will be aring for memory use and a ring for each core you have's usage. My picture shows a quad core configuration.
3. Add these lines to your .conkyrc to call the lua script. BEFORE THE TEXT PART
lua_load ~/path/to/the/lua/script/rings-cores.lua
lua_draw_hook_pre ring_stats
What this does is load the lua script. You should specify where you have stashed the file. For example, mine is in ~/bin/rings-quad-core.lua . You should modify this to be relevant to you. ~/ is a shortcut to writing home.
4. Start conky with
$ conky -c /path/to/where/your/conkyrc/is
$ Mine is in ~/.conkyrc . This makes conky start with the configuration file .conkyrc which is placed in my home folder. If you place it anywhere else, update the link to show that. e.g conky -c ~/scripts/.conkyrc if it is in a folder called scripts in your home folder.
5. Create a script to start your conky at startup
sleep 11 &&
conky -c ~/.conkyrc &
#!/bin/bash tells the computer you want it to do the following in bash, sleep 11 && tells the computer to wait 11 seconds (Allows for compiz to start and not cause problems), conky -c ~/.conkyrc actually starts conky.
Call it conky.sh, make it executable and then add it to your startup programs in Preferences -> Startup Applications.
I did not create these scripts, I purely edited them for my tastes. Original files are found at:
It seems that the ConkyHardcore guys have finally tidied up the page on the script and make it a lot simpler to work out how to add them to your conky. I suggest checking that page if you want info on adding anything else to the rings.
If you need any help, I'm available normally from 4pm till 12pm (British Time) in any of the linuxmint channels. I may not be at the computer outside of those times.
All my personal conky configurations and stuff can be found in http://cogigo.com/scripts/conky/
sleep 11 &&
If you really want to see some nice work take a look here in the forums
to much of a pain
Maybe that's cause your "conky.sh" isn't pointing to any ".conkyrc".
Try to rename either ".conkyleft", ".conkyright" or ".conkytest" to ".conkyrc" and save it in your /home.
I love that desktop, clean and informative, same as tutorial, thank you :)
I have copied you .conkyleft, .conkyright and .conkytest files to my home directory, and put conky.sh, debupdates.sh and the lua rings to ~/Bin. I have made conky.sh executable and when I try to run it from a terminal, I get this error message: Conky: missing text block in configuration; exiting
***** Imlib2 Developer Warning ***** :
This program is calling the Imlib call:
With the parameter:
being NULL. Please fix your program.
@Mdyter I have updated the tutorial to provide links to a server where I have them stored.
I use avant-window-navigator (ppa:awn-testing/ppa in software sources) for my dock.
Conky with rings: http://cogigo.com/scripts/conky/conkytest
Conky on left of dock: http://cogigo.com/scripts/conky/conkyleft
Conky on right of dock: http://cogigo.com/scripts/conky/conkyright
@Craig_Dem Could you show us all your conkyrc?
i would like to experiment with it a little =)
are you using gnome-do at the bottom of the screen?or something else?
i'll try to setup the rings too
The link in the tutorial links to the thumbnail.
Remove the .../th_Screenshotnewithink.png
Good tutorial, but how about explaining what the ring widget is and why you might want it?