13 years ago 1 |
Applies to Linux Mint Debian Edition.
Short version:
If you connected/mounted a remote server via Nautilus/GNOME/GVFS and it's not being listed in your ~/.gvfs/ folder, you have to install gvfs-fuse
and add your user to fuse
sudo aptitude install gvfs-fuse
sudo gpasswd -a ${USERNAME} fuse
This will allow you to open/edit remote files using some programs that seems not to be so Nautilus/GNOME/GVFS friendly (for example, Geany, a text editor).
Large version:
It's great to be able to easily connect to a remote server (FTP, SSH, Samba, etc) using Nautilus, avoiding all the extra hassle that is usually involved when mounting via command-line.
Mounting this way it also make it possible to locally open remote files and edit them... but not always. That's what I found when I tried to open and edit a simple text file, located at a remote server (already mounted/connected via Nautilus), using Geany (a text editor similar to gedit). Geany refused to open the remote file.
At first, I thought it was some kind of issue with Geany, but after reading a FAQ entry on Geany website, it became clear to me that not every program may be able to take advantage of remote resources mounted via Nautilus. Thankfully, that same FAQ stated the solution: I just have to access a the remote file via a folder (mount point) created at ~/.gvfs/ (that's the .gvfs folder located at my home folder).
I was surprised when I accessed the .gvfs folder and saw it was empty (no files nor folders), even when I've already connected to some remote servers using Nautilus. So, after some research, I found the solution on Debian forum.
You need to install gvfs-fuse and add your user to the fuse group. Then, logout and login again.
In code:
sudo aptitude install gvfs-fuse
sudo gpasswd -a ${USERNAME} fuse
Hummmmmmmm. I was also having issues with remote mounts and an issue that I thought might be related.
Using Mint Back Up Tool it fails to copy the .gvfs folder and sets an error. So might have to try this.