How to add BACON to you terminal (Takes place of Fortune messages)

  13 years ago

Key of common conventions for this file:

Important commands: Highlighted like this

Notes: Will show up like this

Warnings: Highlighted like this


This is a brief tutorial for adding ascii art to the terminal where the fortunes would be.This is if you want something a litte more static then a random fortune message. The idea came to me today. while I was in the #pimpmymint IRC channel when a discussion got started up about of all things bacon.

1. Backup the file:

Make sure to create a back up copy of your bash.bashrc by going into your file system and navagating to /etc/ from there make a copy of the "bash.bashrc" file in the same folder just make it "bash.bashrc-backup" so in the event of something going horribly wrong all you have to do is delete the old one and rename the back up.

-Side note: When modifying something you should always make a back up of what ever is you are modding. This allows you to have a clean version of what ever it is in the even of failure or other issues.

2. What we will be putting in:

For the sanity of all I'm going to put the ascii art "BACON!" in the following pastebin for easy reffence:     <--- Open that in a new tab. Just keep that in a tab somewhere for easy reffence.

3. Open the text editor to edit the file:

next open out your terminal and type:  gksu gedit /etc/bash.bashrc  

Side note: This opens up a text editor into your bash config file. (Not my editor of choice usually)

-Warning: the "gksu" command will give you root access to the file so it will save properly. Do not abuse this command or you could be facing some major issues.

Side note: I am presuming you are in mint so at the bottom of the file you will see : /usr/bin/mint-fortune if you are not then disregard number 4 and skip to 5

4. Profroming open file surgery:

Just add a # to the front so it looks like this: #/usr/bin/mint-fortune  <-- Also called commenting out. This action will disable your fortune messages. To get them back just take out the # but make sure you also take out or comment out your net title text.

5. What to add ans where:

At the bottom of the document type this : echo "            " The bacon ASCII will go between the quotation marks.

Side note: The quotation marks keep the echo from thinking its a command it is going to execute, thus reducing the risk of errors when you go to load it. I also add a second echo command at the bottom so it returns a blank line between the title zone and the starting line of your BASH session. The bottom of the file should look like this after you are done but dont mind the rest of the file we are not working with it:

6. Lastly save the file and open a new terminal and see how you did.

Side note: If all went well it should look like this:


Now if you want a custom title instead of BACON!  go to:

Keep in mind the site above only makes text so if you want something like a beer mug or some silly thing like that you will need to find that on the net and tinker with it.

Side note: So that is about it just keep it between the quotation marks. you might need to play with the spacing to get it spot on but after that your good to go.

-Thanks for reading! -- Cythes

Cythes 13 years ago

Thanks everyone :D

efthialex 13 years ago


It's better now. Nice job. ;)

Cythes 13 years ago


I know it is likely monotonous and boring and there is likely no need for it with all the web documentation, but I was thinking about writing up tutorials for working with the shell doing everything from Taking a tour of the file system to writing basic scripts. I know its likely a waste of time but I find I learn and get the hang of things better if I have some documentation that I write about it. I don't want to write a book but it could get to be that big. Just an idea to shoot out there. Thanks for the support.

kazztan0325 13 years ago

You are welcome!

I hope you would post new tutorials or ideas when you have time.

Cythes 13 years ago

Yeah it was just something to work on over all I don't expect it to get to high on the ratings but it is a cool substitution to the fortunes. Plus at the bottom of the page there is a link to get a custom ASCII so you don't need to use the Bacon one. I just used it as an example since it was family friendly.

blueXrider 13 years ago

Good for those who want it.

Cythes 13 years ago

Thank you for your kind words and I did not take it badly at all when you were being 'Haughty'. After all writing tutorials is not for myself but for the people who read them. If it is hard to understand then the tutorial is not a very good one. Thank you for the critique it helped out quite a bit. Plus the first one was just something I slapped together. This is my full version of this document.

However if it still needs a change I invite anyone to tell me either in here or through a message.

-Thanks again all, Happy reading:

kazztan0325 13 years ago

Yes! Good!
Your Tutorial has changed beyond all recognition!
Sorry, I said this and that haughtily, though I am not your teacher.

Cythes 13 years ago

I have edited this file, tell me if there is anything else I can do for it.

\-Change Log-/
-Section Headings
-Links have their own colors
-Notes are done in Italics with an underline
-Special notes are in yellow highlight
-Added a warning about "gksu" and its use

Thanks again for Reading,

efthialex 13 years ago

Nice tutorial and i have to agree with @kazztan0325: about the stylish of the text. If you fix it, it will rase up your ratings.

kazztan0325 13 years ago

This tutorial is explained very good.

But I think it would be more easier for readers to understand if you changed font's size / style / color of any words and phrases which you want to emphasize.

You can edit this tutorial anytime for making it be better.

tayss 13 years ago

Very nice Tutorial, very well explained.