Adobe Flash 11 Released

  13 years ago


The latest ’stable’ (stop chuckling at the back) version of Adobe’s Flash Player has been released.

Adobe Flash 11 adds native 64-bit support, NVidia VDPAU and Broadcom Crystal HD acceleration, as well as a slew of technical features for web developers and flash programmers to take advantage of.

Also debuting is Adobe’s Stage 3D technology which, Adobe claim, lets ‘developers …deliver cinematic, console-quality games both in browsers and in apps‘.


Adobe Flash Player 11 can be found on Adobe’s website

64bit users may prefer to upgrade/install using the unofficial Flash PPA maintained by SevenMachine.

Do note that at the time of writing this has yet to be updated with the stable release, and contains a previous beta build.

To do this add ppa:sevenmachines/flash to your Software Sources (See here), update and then install the ‘flashplugin64-installer’ package from Synaptic or the Software Manager.

Link to the article

mflintjer 13 years ago

TYo everyone using Linux Mint 1 Katya 64bit...get the Adobe Flash Aid add-on from mozilla...install it...restart your firefox...and then in the Tools menu, use the add-on...

Use the Wizard Mode...choose Adobe Beta, from Adobe Labs from the drop-down menu...Click NEXT...and away you go...follow the instruction in the Terminal Window that opens...and before you know it, Flash 11 64 bit is installed...oh yeah, restart your firefox when the Terminal Window instructs you...

talk about easy!!

mflintjer 13 years ago

Ummm, this did absolutely NOTHING for me. I am running a 64 bit Mint...and you have me calling for Ubuntu? None-the-less, I went and tried to get things rolling in Software such file or installation package of:


maybe before you write a tutorial next some research first...

Anleoje 13 years ago

jaja ok! I forgot it! xD

kazztan0325 13 years ago


I think...,
You should replace the phrase "Ubuntu Hardy through Oneiric" with "Mint Isadora through Katya, and should replace the phrase "Ubuntu Software Centre" with "Software Manager", because we are Mint users, are not Ubuntu users.

Anleoje 13 years ago

I don't like the Flash Player, but it's necessary for some users ;)