Using XChat for support

  13 years ago


Xchat is a piece of software that allows you to chat on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) servers. Here, you can gain support for problems that you encounter.

You can run Xchat from the Menu button in the bottom left hand corner of your screen. You should click on Internet and then Xchat. You can join the Linux Mint help server by entering /server <enter>. This will attach you to the server. You can then join the #linuxmint-help channel. Note that channels start with the symbol ‘#’. This denotes that it is a channel and you will need to use it if you wish to join the channel. You can join the channel (if you successfully connected to the server) by clicking /join #linuxmint-help <enter>.

Once you are in the #linuxmint-help channel you should just type your question. Make sure though, that you have checked a solution for your problem through the forums and through google. If things are complicated and you don’t feel confident then you can ask for clarification through the IRC channel.

If you wish to address a person directly, type their name (you can autocomplete someone’s name by typing the first few characters and then hitting the tab button on your keyboard). This will show their name followed by a comma. If you send this, they will get a notifaction from their IRC client that you have included them in their reply. Things can get confusing when lots of people are chatting and this method of addressing people can help you and them to keep a thread of who is addressing whom.
Mookuro 13 years ago

pease explain me how conet to the rizon net and find chanel in Xchat

kazztan0325 13 years ago

There is a useful information about this topic here:

"Getting Support on IRC"