13 years ago 1 |
Saturday, December 31 2011 @ 01:07am
This is a simple single command that I run in a ssh session to my ASUS RT-N16 router with TomatoUSB. I guess this command should be similar in Linux. This can be a very quick status check as I find using the web-interface is much involved. Anyway, I am doing this from my Linux Mint 11.
transmission-remote -n 'usrname:pwd' -t 3 -if | sort -k 1.5 -r | head -n 999999 | grep "\<Yes\>"
Following is a sample session:
Tomato v1.28.0905 MIPSR2-070V K26 USB AIO
/ # transmission-remote -n 'usrname:pwd' -t 3 -if | sort -k 1.5 -r | head -n 999999 | grep "\<Yes\>"
88: 100% Normal Yes 94.98 KiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 001.srt
89: 100% Normal Yes 66.09 KiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 002.srt
84: 100% Normal Yes 53.60 KiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 003.srt
87: 100% Normal Yes 110.3 KiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 004.srt
83: 100% Normal Yes 104.3 KiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 005.srt
85: 100% Normal Yes 1.96 KiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 006.srt
86: 100% Normal Yes 0.34 KiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 007.txt
90: 100% Normal Yes 0.05 KiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 008.txt
43: 39% Normal Yes 700.2 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 001.avi
78: 35% Normal Yes 695.9 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 002.avi
37: 31% Normal Yes 699.3 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 003.avi
76: 30% Normal Yes 701.6 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 004.avi
69: 29% Normal Yes 704.1 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 005.avi
31: 29% Normal Yes 700.0 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 006.avi
36: 29% Normal Yes 699.7 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 007.avi
71: 29% Normal Yes 1.37 GiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 008.avi
77: 28% Normal Yes 700.3 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 009.avi
45: 25% Normal Yes 750.3 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 010.avi
74: 25% Normal Yes 700.5 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 011.avi
40: 25% Normal Yes 700.3 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 012.avi
42: 25% Normal Yes 700.2 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 013.avi
61: 24% Normal Yes 700.0 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 014.avi
50: 24% Normal Yes 698.3 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 015.avi
53: 23% Normal Yes 700.4 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 016.avi
38: 22% Normal Yes 700.0 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 017.avi
75: 22% Normal Yes 698.9 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 018.avi
39: 21% Normal Yes 700.2 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 019.avi
82: 21% Normal Yes 700.0 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 020.avi
67: 21% Normal Yes 700.0 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 021.avi
5: 21% Normal Yes 700.0 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 022.avi
80: 21% Normal Yes 696.1 MiB Bobbys/Self Mastery 023.avi
................ truncated ...
transmission-remote -n 'usrname:pwd' -t 3 -if | sort -k 1.5 -r | head -n 999999 | grep "\<Yes\>"
Note: above command is entered in a single line.
Result is piped to sort, head and grep
1) transmission-remote | is the command
2) -n 'usrname:pwd' | my log-on user and transmission user is different, you might not need this.
3) -t 3 | format is -t N. The Nth download, mine is 3rd so -t 3
Note: use "transmission-remote
-n 'usrname:pwd' -l" to show a list of downloads and their id number to find out the id# for N.
4) -if | list the files
5) sort -k 1.5 -r | to sort by %done in reverse order. -k is key 1.5 means field 1at5th character -r reverse
6) head -n 999999 | head would be top 10. -n N would be Nth number of lines. Here I am only making use of the history feature of linux CLI so that in the future I can just ssh into another session, UP arrow-key edit to head -n 20 for top 20 .... OR simple accept 999999 to list all files/lines
7) grep "\<Yes\>"
| here again I am making use of CLI shell history again to easily change the Yes to No or others. Remember to use "\<No\>" because "No" would match to "Normal" as well and would list out all files/lines.
Note: part or entire command could also be re-directed to files by using "> file.txt" as follows:
transmission-remote -n 'usrname:pwd' -t 3 -if > file.txt
That's all for now!
Remember to have fun with Linux :)