13 years ago 4 |
Download the linux mint os from click here . atm mint 12 is the latest. it pays to keep up with the latest os. this is because the repositories get updated to the new os ones. adn dont work in the older versions any more. click here. basically repositories are apps and updates they are what you find itn the synaptic package manager aka package manager or software centre. ubuntu also has a long term support version (lts) click here . all the lts version means is that they maintain the repositories for 3 years from release. mint 9 ws the last one and mint 13 will be the next. i prefer LTS so i dont have to keep reinstalling everything all the time.
after you have your mint iso you need to run a md5sum. or md5 checksum. for ubuntu or linux mint click here for windows users click here lin
when you have a good iso downloaded. you can either burn it to cd or put it on usb (if your computer can boot from usb).
to burn an cd you need to remember to burn at the slowest speed you can. this will ensure a more stable burn. after this boot the cd and pres a key adn run the integrity check cd option to verify if you have a good cd.
to set up a usb i usually install unetbootin. it can be installed on windows or a number of linux os. click here when run make sure your computer bios is set to boot from usb. i set up usb then cd then hdd in bios.
ok now when you have booted the mint os you are able to have a play with it. when ready on the desktop click on the install icon and it will start the install wizard. you will see a window. for mint 12 a tutoral with screenshots etc on how to install click here you will probably want to choose eighter of the first 2 options. if you already have an opeating system you can install along side if you dont want to keep the os or its a blank hdd you will install full. the other option lets you add delete crette patitions etc more for excpert use.
There are a few things I would change. The link to download the mint .iso should probably point to http://www.linuxmint.com/download.php. I would also remove the links to ubuntu sites as mint is not exclusively based on ubuntu, there are other versions. You also need to do a spell check.