13 years ago 4 |
Hi all,
more than two months I was looking for script which will simply clean up my chat-windows in my xchat, specially when I am on channels where is more than 180 people (for example linuxmint-help channel)
Well couldn't find anything :) so I've decided to write my own script for this o_0
You can download my script for xchat only from >>here<<. It works on xchat 2.8.8 by 100%
What it does?
This hide/remove ChanServ messages about:
join, quit and message about voice, but leave all other messages displaying as usual
how to install:
hope this make your irc chat bit more clean and more enjoyable.. have fun! :)
Hexchat: https://gist.github.com/Otacon22/1a43c785226a06a72872
Note the target folder is `~/.config/hexchat/addons/`.