Remote Server dengan GCM

  13 years ago

Fitur ini yang saya suka dari Gnome Connection Manager, 1 klik bisa login ke semua server. Tentunya selain fitur lisensi yang memudahkan kita. Saya menggunakan Gnome Connection Manager untuk memudahkan saya untuk me-remote semua server. Fitur-fitur lain anda dapat baca pada situs resminya :
- Gnome Connection Manager is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3
- It's designed in Glade and written in python, so it just need PyGTK to run in any linux environment
- Can store passwords for easy access to hosts
- Supports multiple ssh tunnels for each host Unlimited vertical/horizontal window splitting. - - You can have as many visible consoles as you want
- Drag & Drop tabs between consoles
- Connect to multiple hosts with just one click
- Grouping hosts
- Cluster mode. Work on several hosts at the same time
- Customizable shortcuts
- Send custom commands to hosts
- It's free, and the source is included in the download
Cara installasinya, unduh versi terbaru di Install menggunakan perintah sudo dpkg -i gnome-connection-manager_0.9.8_all.deb. Jika mucul pesan galat ketik sudo apt-get install -f. Selanjutnya selamat me-remote.
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