13 years ago 2 |
Searched longer time for better workflow on KDE Desktop (for me) and found this:
Here a small tutorial to install both Plasmoids:
"Takeoff Launcher" and "Icon Tasks" on Linux Mint 12 KDE
I did not tested it in other distributions, but it should work as well for Kubuntu 11.x...
Here we go:
- download the source " Icon Tasks 0.9.2 " from kde-look.org
1. Before installing the Plasma-Icon-Task package, install following packages:
sudo apt-get install kdelibs5-dev kdebase-workspace-dev libdbusmenu-qt-dev build-essential cmake
2. Now you are ready to unpack...
cd ./your-download-path/
tar -xjf ./144808-plasma-icontasks-0.9.2.tar.bz2
3. Compiling
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`
make install
4. Now you should find the new Widget "Icon-Only Taskmanager" in your "Add Widgets" section.
- download the source from: http://code.google.com/p/takeoff-launcher/
1. Make sure you have the following packages installed
sudo apt-get install build-essentials cmake libqt4-dev kdelibs5-dev libplasma3 gettext
2. Unpack it and change into the build directory (it exsists already)
cd ./your-download-path
tar -xzf takeoff-1.0.tar.gz
cd Takeoff-Launcher/takeoff-1.0/build/
3. Compile the App:
sudo cmake ..
sudo make
sudo make install
4. Now you should find the new Plasma Widget "Takeoff" in your Widget section
My best regards to the Linux Mint Team for their great work
and all the people around helping GNU/Linux becoming better...
15. February 2012
Hi remoulder,
- System overhead
KDE on its own needs some power. Enabling this two widgets does not affect this at all. These are just another 2 widgets (like the other available ones)
- KDE-look like Gnome...
As I've written in my tutorial... a matter of taste...
- Sidebar Autohide / Configurable?
It's just a plasma widget; added to an empty KDE panel. It follows the same rules like any other plasma widget (resizing / color/ hide ...)
so... autohide yes (assumed you configure the KDE panel to hide automatically)
- Is the sidebar configurable?
Further question regarding functionality of these 2 apps are better answered by your prefered search engine.
I don't wanna be unkind, but you'll find much better information about it somewhere else.
I'v just shared my "HowTo Install". The HowTo's I've found did not work...
This actually looks quite good but I'm wondering about the system overhead that this involves? Making a KDE desktop look like a Gnome one is a bit strange but seems to work quite well. Do you know if the sidebar autohide, is the panel configurable, and what window manager is used for the effects?