Spotify linux previev on mint 12

  13 years ago

Hi ;-) 

New to Mint but oldtime ubuntu user.. I have seen alot of posts running spotify throug wine on mint, I could not get this to work! But the spotify linux previev client-qt works fine on Mint 12.

Just go to the spotify website and add the deb line to your sources-list file 

sudo apt-get install spotify-client-qt (the gnome support one is broken)

You may have to unmark the apt line pointing to sources -or you will get an error when running sudo apt-get update....

I have had an issue with spotify when syncronising offline playlists - the next time you open spotify it will disconnect from the internet with the 112 error code. 

The fix is to delete the folders /home/.config/spotify and /home/.cache/spotify - open spotify again and connection works fine again!

dagon 12 years ago


I followed the instructions on the spotify page

"Just go to the spotify website and add the deb line to your sources-list file"
Which, when I did this right now is:
deb stable non-free

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install spotify-client
It wanted to remove libavformat-extra-52 and install libavformat52 instead. (Which I let it do. I don't know what functions I lost from this... :P )

It works well but I haven't tried it for a longer time.

:) -Whoopie!!!