12 years ago 5 |
Got this off the web:
cd /etc/X11/
#if folder doesn't exist, create it
sudo mkdir /etc/X11/
cd /etc/X11/
#then do the following
sudo vi 910-rat.conf
#the above will create file 910-rat.conf and it will not get overwritten as if you put it in xorg.conf
# add the following to the file, use 'i' in vi to insert, esc to get out of insert mode
Section "InputClass"
# esc, then wq!
Horizontal also works
Identifier "R.A.T."
Option "Buttons" "17"
Option "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 4 5 0 0 8 9 7 6 12 0 0 0 16 17"
Option "AutoReleaseBut
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"
# reboot
sudo reboot now
Well, if you're on LM14, and you restart kdm and it brings you to a terminal prompt, just 'startx' will get you back to X11.
OK, rather than reboot, try this in command line in terminal (CLI)
sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart
that should restart your X server and all is good hopefully after that.
Test with documents and web browser to check all your mouse settings.
There is probably an easier way to implement the change instead of 'reboot now', and just restart the x-server. If you know the painless way to do that (xserver restart), please post here and we'll add it.