14 years ago 2 |
NOTE: This tutorial is copied from Spotify support.
I do not claim to have made this tutorial, nor discovering any secrets techniques. Just passing it on:)
1) Click here to install Wine.
2) Configure Wine
Select the Audio tab and make sure only OSS Driver is checked in the driver list. In the frame DirectSound below, make sure Hardware Acceleration is Emulation and Default Sample Rate is 44100 and Default Bits Per Sample is 16.
3) Download the Spotify Installer for Windows
Right click the installer .EXE file, and click "Open with Wine Windows Program Loader"
Version 1.0 and later seems to work ok. You can see which version you are running with the following command in a terminal:
wine --version
It is recommended to install Wine that comes with your Linux distribution, but sometimes upgrading to a newer version help if you are having problems. The latest version is available on the Wine Homepage.
Make sure OSS driver is the only selected driver in the Wine configuration (start it from Applications menu or enter winecfg in a terminal). If that does not help, check if any of the other drivers work better. Most people experiencing stuttering are running a recent version of Ubuntu which is running Pulseaudio and use the ALSA driver in Wine.
Playback sounds distorted, a metallic noise, noticable on high frequencies
It is probably caused by a bad resampling from some audio component in the audio chain from Spotify to your soundcard, via Wine and sound servers and drivers. It might help to set Hardware Acceleration Emulation, Default Sample Rate 44100, Default Bits Per Sample 16. Most music in Spotify have a sample rate of 44.1kHz and many soundcards today play only 48kHz.
Spotify uses the native mp3 decoder in Windows instead of including its own. The mp3 decoder in Wine makes Spotify excessively unstable on quite a few mp3 files, including some from our purchase partners. We are therefore blocking codecs with the identifier “WINE-MPEG3″ until the Wine system works satisfactorily.
It goes without saying, but please don’t import any music into Spotify that you don’t legally own.
If you can’t import friends from Facebook in the client it is probably because of problems with the embedded web browser in Wine. It is possible to import your Facebook friends from your account overview on the Spotify website.
Opening spotify links in web browsers
The installer adds keys to the registry in Wine so that web browsers can handle spotify links, but this is not picked up by web browsers in Linux.
Create an openspotify script by pasting the following commands in a terminal: (\ means line wrap)
echo '#!/bin/sh' > $HOME/bin/openspotify echo 'exec wine "C:\Program Files\Spotify\spotify.exe" /uri "$@"' \ >> $HOME/bin/openspotify chmod 755 $HOME/bin/openspotify Configure Firefox/Chrome
Firefox and Chrome use xdg-open to open external protocols, which you can configure by pasting the following commands in a terminal: (\\ means line wrap)
gconftool-2 -t string -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/spotify/command \
"$HOME/bin/openspotify %s"
gconftool-2 -t bool -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/spotify/needs_terminal false
gconftool-2 -t bool -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/spotify/enabled true
Open Preferences. Select the Advanced tab and then the Programs tab. Click “add” and enter spotify in the protocol field and select the openspotify program as the handler program.
It might help to clean the Wine environment if you are experiencing issues. Move your current wine directory:
mv $HOME/.wine $HOME/.wine.bak
and redo the installation again.
is there any way to install wine 1.2 offline?????
Now you can download a linux version of Spotify from their website. Works like a charm here, but I guess U guys already know about that.
Very useful to have these here. One extra step--which wasn't obvious to a complete newbie--was changing the permissions on Spotify Installer.exe before the Mint installer would run it.
Edit: Removed the screenshots since they aren't really doing any good.
Yes, resize screenshots, please :)
Could you resize the screenshots, please?