12 years ago 8 |
Often the normal user wants to scan individual documents in Linux and processed
with an OCR program. The problem is to find a useful program and use easily.
This tutorial is a simple way to do what written above.
gscan2pdf and tesseract-ocr are included in the official repositories.
It must be the following packages
and the desired tesseract-ocr language packs are installed.
To do this, please use the software manager.
To meet now the package dependencies you have to copy the following command to a terminal window:
sudo apt-get install libgtk2-imageview-perl libgtk2-ex-simple-list-perl libsane-perl liblocale-gettext-perl sane-utils libtiff-tools libpdf-api2-perl libconfig-general-perl perlmagick imagemagick librsvg2-common libset-intspan-perl libhtml-parser-perl libgoo-canvas-perl libproc-processtable-perl libreadonly-perl liblog-log4perl-perl libforks-perl
(one line)
After the packages are installed already all the work is done.
You can gscan2pdf from the
Start Menu => "Applications => Graphics => gscan2pdf"
Starting out.
Everything else should be self explanatory. You can as a .pdf, .text or otherwise
store and processe.
(I did this in Main Vers.9 LTS)
Hi guys! This tuto has not been updated since a while. I wonder if it is still current. Thanks!
That's handy input. Thankyou for your efforts making this tutorial