Using a Lexmark X4650 wireless printer

  12 years ago

NB: This works for the X4650, and in theory should work for the rest of the 3600-4600. Give it a shot.

  1. Open up the terminal, by pressing Ctrl+alt+T
  2. Type system-config-printer
  3. Click the add button
  4. Open up the Network Printer section and select "Find Network Printer"
  5. Find the IP address of your printer by looking in your router settings or by printing the network configuration page on the printer.
  6. Type that IP address where it says host, and click "find"
  7. It'll search for the printer and then give the port. If it fails, just click find again. When it succeeds, click "forward".
  8. Mint will then search for drivers, and eventually come up with the Choose Driver page. Select "Lexmark" in the list and then click "Forward".
  9. Select "3600-4600" on the left hand pane, and then click "Forward".
  10. Fill out the descriptions so you understand what's actually going on later, then click "Apply".
  11. If you want to test the printer, click "Print Test Page", otherwise you're sorted.
rev_pat 12 years ago

Using LinuxMint 12 LXDE, the above instructions did not work. They seemed to work but the end result is that the printer will not print. Green light is on, in front of printer, and works fine printing from windows over a wireless network, but will not print using current drivers from lexmark for Linux.

chassum 12 years ago

straight-forward, no frills. Should make everyone with an X4650 very happy ;)

kazztan0325 12 years ago

I think it would be better if some screen shots were included in this tutorial.