The Supreme Linux Mint 13 Development Station

  12 years ago

The page contains my procedure for achieving a linux mint workstation.  The instructions are only intended to be followed sequentially.

The following is accomplished:

  • Install Linux Mint, configured to run in Virtual Box.
  • Uses Bridge Networking to expose the server directly to the router.
  • Uses Two HD Images. One for System, one for Data.
  • Uses Samba Share, authenticated for a single user
  • Performs Daily Backups of Data Drive to root partition
  • Install SQL Developer
  • Configure Synergy in a tri-monitor configuration

  Install Into VirtualBox

  1. Download from
  2. Install and restart
  3. Download Linux Mint 32-bit DVD with Codecs
  4. Change Default Machine
    1. File->Preferences->DefaultMachineFodler:C:\devel\VirtualBox VMs
  5. Create The VM
    1. Name: LM13Serv
    2. Operating System: Linux
    3. Version: Ubuntu
    4. Memory: 1024
    5. Create New Dynamic VDI Hard Disk of 32 GB
  6. Configure the VM
    1. Right Click on LM13Serv, choose Settings
    2. Display: Video Memory: 24
    3.     Display: Enable 3d Acceleration
    4. Network: Attached to: Bridged Adapter
    5. Set ISO for CD Boot Device Storage: IDE Controller: Empty CD Choose Live CD/DVD
      1. Choose ISO linuxmint-13-cinnamon-dvd-32bit.iso
  7. Boot from Live ISO.
  8. Install Linux Mint.
  9. Shutdown
  10. Remove LinuxMint ISO
    1. Settings: Storage: IDE Controller: Remove Disk
  11. Add Another Disk
    1. Settings: Storage: SATA Controller: Create New VDI Dynamic Disk 48GB.
  12. Mint Update
  13. Restart

Create the Samba Network Shares

  1. Use Terminal to locate device name for HD List Hard Drive Devices
    1. sudo fdisk -l
  2. Create partitions on second HD
    1. sudo fdisk /dev/sdb
      1. n
      2. p
      3. 1
      4. 2048
      5. (default) 100663295
      6. p
      7. w
  3. Make File System
    1. sudo mkfs.ext4 -T Backup /dev/sdb1
  4. Mount Backup HD At Boot
    1. Make A Folder
      1. sudo mkdir /media/Backup
    2. Use A Text Editor on /etc/fstab
      1. sudo nano /etc/fstab
      2. Append Text
        1. /dev/sdb1 /media/Backup ext4 defaults 0 2
    3. Mount it Now
      1. sudo mount -a
    4. Make Folder
      1. sudo mkdir /media/Backup/BKFiles
    5. Make Folder Readable
      1. sudo chown root:sambashare /media/Backup/BKFiels
      2. sudo chmod 775 /media/Backup/BKFiles
  5. Add User
    1. Menu: Preferences: User Account
      1. Unlock
      2. (Plus) Create new account
        1. Account Type: Standard
        2. Full name: BKUser
        3. username: bkuser
        4. set password: ****
      3. Make User Part of Samba Group
        1. sudo usermod -a -G sambashare bkuser
  6. The Samba GUI
    1. sudo apt-get install system-config-samba
      1. You May Need to get the prerequisits...
        1. sudo apt-get install samba samba-common python-glade2
    2. sudo system-config-samba
      1. Add User
        1. Preferences: Samba User: Add User
          1. Unix Username: bkuser
          2. Windows Username: bkuser
          3. sambapassword: ****
      2. Add Share
        1. Directory: /media/Backup/BKFiles
        2. Share name: BKFiles
        3. Description: Files which are backed up
        4. Writable: True
        5. Visible: True
        6. Access Tab
          1. Only Allow access to specific users: bkuser
    3. Restart Samba Service
      1. sudo service smbd restart
    4. Open Nautilus: Network: Browse Network: LMServ : BKFiles
      1. username: bkuser
      2. domain: workgroup
      3. password: ****
      4. forget immediately
      5. Create A Folder to prove functionality
    5. For Reference, I edited /etc/samba/smb.conf to view the output
      1. [BKFiles]
              comment = Files which are backed up
              path = /media/Backup/BKFiles
              writeable = yes
              wrowseable = yes
              valid users = bkuser
    6. (Optional) Windows Map Network Drive
      1. Goto Computer. On the top, click Map network drive.
        1. Folder: \\lmserv\bkfiles
        2. Reconnet at login: true
        3. Connet using different credentials: yes
        4. Username: bkuser
        5. Password: ****
        6. Remeber my credentials: true
    7. Setup Deja Dup Backup
      1. Make Location for Destination
        1. sudo mkdir /home/deja-dup
        2. sudo usermod -a -G backup bkuser
        3. sudo chown `whoami`:backup /home/deja-dup/
      2. Menu: Preferences: Backup
      3. Just show me my backup settings
      4. Overview:
        1. Automatic Backups: On
      5. Storage
        1. Backup Location: Local Folder: /home/deja-dup
        2. Folder: deja-dup/dev-per-LMServ
      6. Folders to back up
        1. Remove Home
        2. Add /media/Backup/BKFiles
      7. Schedule
        1. How often to backup up: Daily
        2. Keep Backups: Forever
      8. Source: /media/Backup/BKFiles
      9. Overview
        1. Back Up Now
        2. Allow Restoring without a password

Install SQL Developer

  1. Refer to Instructions for Install SQL Developer - Linux Mint 13 (Maya).

Install Synergy in Tri-monitor Configuration

  1. Refer to Instructions for Pyramid of Synergy, Manual Coding of the Synergy.conf file

Install Wins with Winbind to resolve Windows Style Hostnames

  1. Install winbind
    1. sudo apt-get install winbind
  2. Set winbind above DNS
    1. sudo nano /etc/nsswitch.conf
      1. Change the line 11:
        • hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] wins dns mdns4
chassum 12 years ago

there are some useful elements here.