Control Brightness of LCD screen

  12 years ago


 > Open a terminal or shell and run lspci
 > Look for VGA/Display/Graphics Controller Entry
 > Note it's First column entry [ xx:yy.z (Example: 00:02.1) ]
 > Now run command:
sudo setpci -s xx:yy.z F4.B=aa 
 ( where xx:yy.z is your code got from STEP 2
     and aa is desired brightness wrote in HEX
FF for maximum brightness
01 for least brightness
00 turns off backlight (be Careful)
   example: sudo setpci -s 00:02.1 F4.B=E0   )
 > Open a terminal or shell and run lspci
 > Look for VGA/Display/Graphics Controller Entry
 > Note it's First column entry [ xx:yy.z (Example: 00:02.1) ]
 > Now run command:
               sudo setpci -s xx:yy.z F4.B=aa 
                              where xx:yy.z is your code got from STEP 2
                              and aa is desired brightness wrote in HEX
                                             FF for maximum brightness
                                             01 for least brightness
                                             00 turns off backlight (be Careful)
               example: sudo setpci -s 00:02.1 F4.B=E0 
I Tested this method and worked 100%.
My system : Samsung NP-N100 and currently uses Linux Mint 12 LXDE and 13 Maya Main Edition. 
Looks like it would work on all ubuntu based main distros
santosh 12 years ago

Hi, i tried out command to reduce the screen brightness on my Ascer(Aspire 4740)Laptop but am unable to find any change happening to the screen brightness. Can you assist me