United States

An OLD Linux user from the 1990's. But because of a head injury about 6 years back, I forgot about 85% of everything I knew. And have spent a time re-learning stuff, including programming again.

I went to university and graduated in the 1970's. Taught  Woodworking, Small Engine Repairs, and Computer Construction (at a time before the PC). Computers were a hobby to me. I would program the cpu chips to recognize assembly lamguage to read BASIC and Fortan. It was hard to build a program that used less than 16K of memroy and ran the way it was supposed to.

Went out and became a truck driver because I love to travel, And that was were the accident happened. At times I can recall how to do something but can't remember exactly how to do it. That's LIFE.

Now retired and trying to relearn what I can to help others. I still get excited now that Linux is able to use a gui interface over the terminal. Graphics are so fun.

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