I work full time as an anaesthetist and have used Apple Mac computers since the Powerbook Duo. I am currently experimenting with Linux Mint on my Macbook sometimes using parallels, sometimes from a USB drive and a couple of times I have installed it on the Mac SSD - I have done a lot of restoring!
I like to experiment with different Linux distributions (which is quite easy with Parallels) and am hoping one day to have one tablet device or phone that offers full coherence as a phone / desktop.
I have had most success (and therefore happiness) with Linux Mint but unfortunately I couldn't get a right mouse click from the force touch trackpad with a proper Mint installation outside of Parallels.
I have just started blogging and soon will try webcasting - www.anaesthesiatech.com
Title | Score | |
8 years ago | Options running Linux Mint on a Mac | 3 |
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